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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

bird feeders

I was going to post about the selfish, arrogant, narrow-mindedness of some people. That they would allow something to go to complete crap, and force their own agenda, just to slam someone down over their hatred for that person and allow innocents to suffer (not the maiming and dying kind of suffering though). However, what is the point? They refuse to see a situation for what it is. So, I will let them congratulate themselves for their "victory". Small-minded people need that. They will have to accept the consequences for their black-heartedness. 

Now on to something more joyful.

I picked up some bird feeders, seed, and suet on the weekend. I found myself over-occupied with other matters, but today I decided to get them set up. The rainy, cold, crappy day be damned.

I did it. I went out and got them up. It is not ideal, but I can fix them up later. I need to get some metal rods for hanging the feeders, then I can also place them for my viewing pleasure.

I also learnt my shed is listing to starboard. Not much I can do about it until the frost is out of the ground. It may settle back in to place as well.

suet block on a japanese lilac in the foreground
mixed seed at the back on a black walnut tree
that tree actually fruited last year and the squirrels had a blast

Anyway, I want get a few more feeders so I can have different types of food for the various birds. So far, I have put out one feeder of nyjer seed, one feeder of black oil sunflower seeds, three blocks of suet, and two feeders with a so-called all season blend. I have peanuts still to put out and maybe cracked corn.

a suet block and nyjer seed on my serviceberry tree
maybe the birds will not pick the tree clean this year and I can make some fruit leather

I got everything, feeders, seeds, suet, from Giant Tiger. From what I determined, they have the best prices. They even kicked the stuffing out of Walmart on that one. All the food was processed by Armstrong.

black oil sunflower seed in a ball cage, a suet block, & mixed seed all on my birch tree
you can see the boy's stone dragon "grum" in the foreground and my tarped over canoes in the background

I look forward to adding more feeders. I do not think I need to add any birdbaths though. There are plenty of water sources nearby, including a couple of creeks. If I can find a bath that keeps the water moving without needing to plug it in, I may get one. Maybe.

Soon, I will also be looking to add some nut and fruit trees as well as laying out the edible wild garden and planting all my veggies and herbs too.

Now, what was it that I was not happy with? Never mind, I can create my own joy.

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