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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

eight days to the canada jamboree

Holy crap! So busy with they water problems, getting my truck and the wife's car sorted and running, not to mention all these storms, and getting ready for the Canada Jamboree (CJ), I almost forgot to post.

I am pretty frazzled right now. I do not really have a subject and the day is almost done. Well, as with everything I mentioned going on and Canada Day coming up, I have no idea how everything is going to get sorted by next Wednesday. Plus, I am losing the truck again to the shop tomorrow.Then, the wife is taking it to work to reduce the wear and tear on her car. Yes, that is how close she is to trashing it before it gets fixed.

I am going bananas right now. The boy has not even started packing his gear. First thing tomorrow when he gets home he will need to start. He is done classes for the summer too, so no excuses not to get it done. 

Well, priority is obviously having working vehicles, then being packed and ready to go to CJ for next Wednesday. I started out with everything neat, organised, and orderly. Now I have two boxes of crap piled on top of the orderly. Well, I will sort it tomorrow I guess. Not too worried really. If we forget anything, we are travelling and camping for three days before the jamboree, so we should be able to pick up any forgotten items. It will be much harder once at the Camp.

i still need to figure out if we can make the time to visit Grohmann Knives. The boy and I are interested in getting a couple of D. H. Russell belt knives. I will try to call them tomorrow. I have never had one of these knives, but have handled them and like them. Time to add one to the collection. Besides, my two good belt knives are in my two main go-bags. Time for a new regular use belt knife.

Holy crap! 11:59 pm. See you tomorrow. blbbl

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