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Saturday, September 30, 2017

success at skills camp

The Scouts did really well with the skills training. Some need a bit of extra work in a couple of areas, but no worries.

What was fantastic, was the teamwork. They really pulled together and supported each other.

There were are also some leaders in the group. You know, the type that naturally know what is going on, what needs to be done, and can get it done with their team.

Last night we got to see the entertainers. Also, the observers; the ones that take it all in and catalogue it for later.

All in all a very successful weekend. And we are not even done yet. Maybe we can improve the one area that needs it: mess duty.

Anyway, it was a super day, it is super late, I am super tired. Super good night. blbbl

Friday, September 29, 2017

campfire tales

Tonight we had an informal campfire. It evolved in to story telling of sorts. There were various tales told, but the best, to me, were three different "stories" told by three different Scouts. All were basically a recurring loop. I will retell them for you.

#1 The setup, someone mentioned ducks and the Scout launched in:


I hate ducks!

They drive me crazy!


I was crazy once. They put me in a room.

A rubber room! With ducks?

Rubber ducks!

Ducks? . . . . .

Totally awesome. He had the right movements and look in his eye too.

#2 Some one just asked for a story:

Pete and Repeat are standing on a bridge.

Pete jumps off.

Who's left?

Answer: Repeat.

Pete and Repeat are standing on a bridge . . . . . .

The Scout's tone was perfectly level the whole time. He must have looped five times the first time he told it.

#3 Again some one wanted a story, a spooky story:

It was a dark and stormy night.

The Captain and First Mate are sitting at a table.

The Captain says, "Tell me a story, First Mate."

The First Mate says, "It was a dark and stormy night . . . . . ."

Again perfect tone.

Can you believe I fell for it three times? I laughed every time. blbbl

Thursday, September 28, 2017

holy crap - getting ready for scout camp is taking forever

So, our Scout Troop is doing a weekend camp starting tomorrow. It is the first one for this Scouting year. The Scouts decided they wanted to focus on skills. You know scoutcraft, woodcraft, bushcraft. Whatever you call it, I think it was a wise choice. With so many new Scouts in the Troop this year, it is good to get a head start.

Now with Scouts Canada there are four areas that require "permits": knife, match & fire, axe & saw, and stove & lantern. Basically, the Scouters, who are adult supervisors of the Youth, need to ensure that the Scouts get the proper training before being allowed to futz with the kind of stuff where inadequate knowledge or skill can get someone very hurt, very quickly.

In addition to some "permit training", they are also focusing on pioneering, which is lashing, knots and using that for constructing various contraptions. And of course there is orienteering: map and compass.

So, I am supposed to teach match & fire. However, with the possibility of a burn ban due to the heatwave, even though it appears to have finally broken, I also need to be ready to teach knife as a replacement. I have been all day organising the gear for the two permits, plus my gear, and sadly some of the boy's gear. The only reason I am sorting his flotsam, is that he has had something on the go pretty much every night this week and has actually had homework. (He usually gets it done in class or on the bus.) Hard for him to pack then, and tomorrow we take off within the hour he gets home from school.

He packed his clothes and his bits and bobs, but I organised tents, sleeping bags, camp chairs, that kind of stuff. No time tomorrow as I am busy right up until we leave for the weekend. We probably will not see the wife/mum until Sunday when we get back. Sucks for me.

Hopefully, the boy and I have not forgotten anything. Not a big deal, it is a static camp not far out of a small town, bigger than my town, but not a metropolis. So, if I truly need anything, I can probably pick it up. If it was a back woods camp, I would have laid everything out, checked it at least twice, then packed it. Then probably unpacked it, checked it one more time, then repacked and, except for water, would be sitting ready to go at least two or three days, if not a week, before departure. However, I have learnt, no matter how diligent one is with packing, usually one item is overlooked. Normally, it is not a big deal. When it is a big deal though, you are hosed.

I did still manage to make a soup from scratch, total scratch. I made the stock a couple of weeks ago. I also made the boy's lunch. I keep saying I am going to have him make his own lunch, but it still has not happened. Yet, no time to cut the grass. I did call around yesterday for a wasp assassin, but have not heard back from the guy I was interested in using. Our original guy from a few years back, never got back to us after several emails and phone calls. It must a hell of a year for stingy bugs.

Well, still a few things to sort, then a good night's sleep, I hope. Tomorrow, I sweat my ass off all day, then Scouting all weekend. That's the life! blbbl

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

another long and tiring day

Like the title says, so this will be so very brief.

Doing something new today. Up quite early, sweat my ass off. A bunch of other crap going on, blah, blah, blah.

However, I know I am unusually tired. At the end of the Scout Troop meeting tonight, I went to change from my indoor shoes to my outdoor shoes. Kind of like Mr. Rogers in reverse.

Well, I tried to put my right shoe on my left foot. I only stopped and looked down when after who knows how long to see what was taking so long. It took a few seconds to register.

So, I take that as my cue. Good night neighbour. blbbl

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

sometimes, you just need to shoot the breeze

A friend of mine came over this morning to borrow something from me. What started as an intended quick exchange by both parties, became an afternoon long casual discussion. It was punctuated at times with many emails on both our parts needing review, but we had a amiable chat.

Of course, I talk with the wife, my best friends, and neighbours, but it has been so long since I have just shot the breeze in person for no good reason (especially someone "new"), I forgot how relaxing it could be. Sure, there were some serious discussions, interspersed with the general and inane.

All in all, it was pleasant. Basically, we had a bull-session. Of course, I have these types of chats with my best, and oldest, friend over the phone most every week, but an in-person gab-fest has a different air. And, of course, the neighbours and us have each other over from time to time and have campfires too. However, they can get quite serious, usually at my doing.

Anyway, this evening was supposed to be the boys sword training, but he had a long day today and he also felt is was too hot. No worries, I got the night off from chauffeuring. It has lent itself to another blabber-marathon with the wife. Much more laid back than usual. More like our "cloud-talk" of the past. 

Two bull-sessions in one night. Lucky me. I highly recommend everyone make a regular occurrence of such endeavours, regardless of venue or medium. Notwithstanding of what you call them: cloud-talk, bull-session, shooting the breeze, blowing wind up the kilt, chewing the fat, schmoozing, gab-fest, chewing the cud, whatever. Sometimes, it can be quite cathartic. blbbl

Monday, September 25, 2017

the more things change, the more things change - not necessarily for the better

So, while staying out the heat yesterday, which ended up being worse than the day before, and appears to be even worse again today, the wife and I were having snippets of conversation. She suddenly says that she has an idea for a post, that I should post about it. I think I may have bemoaned about the very topic briefly in the past, but she was right. It could stand a post all on its own.

Why, with all the so-called improvements with technology, manufacturing, "quality", do products seem to fail or wear out more quickly? Good question.

A prime example, appliances. When we moved in to our current dwelling, there was a stove. A dusty gold yellow colour. A very old oven with stovetop, at least thirty years old, probably closer to forty. It worked fine. In fact, it was one of the best stoves I have every used in my life. The mount for the thermostat in the oven eventually broke, but it still worked and was not in the way. The oven got to the set temperature in five minutes or less. One burner on the stovetop eventually failed. Actually, it was the harness the element plugged in to, not the burner itself. So, we ran with three burners for some time. Then another "burner" failed. No worries, I could work with it, plus I had my so-called "Chinese" butane stove if I needed more than two elements to cook on. Then a third went. 

We limped along for a bit, a month or two. We were trying to decide what to do, replace or repair. While we hummed and hawed, the wife's family Christmas was planned. It was going to be at Casa Rooster. Well, we needed to do something with the stove now. No way I could cook Christmas dinner for seven people with one element and a butane burner. We bought a new stove.

What a mistake. Sure, it was an entry level stove, but it should have been better than a forty year old oven. Well, in the end, no. The first big use at Christmas, it was a letdown. While cooking, and I did not realise this at first, two elements were not heating up on the stove, then the oven itself gave up the ghost. We had some weirdness, some lights in the house acted up too and we thought maybe it was a brown out of sorts. We even called HydroOne, the electrical utility company in our area and they checked things out and could not find out what was wrong.

Luckily, the turkey in the oven was all but done and managed to finish its end-run with what heat remained in the oven. I got out the butane burner and finished everything in batches and stuffed as much in the oven to keep warm as possible.

We later determined, that when the oven and all four element are turned on at the same time, then it will blow a 30 amp fuse. What killed me though, unlike older stoves, if the element is not working, the light by the dial stays off. Not this one, they lit up and I did not realise at first what was going on. What a crappy design. Another crappy thing about it, the oven racks. They are flimsy. Every time I put a roast or bird in there, I think the rack is going to break. 

I wish I kept the old racks from the old oven. No, I wish I kept the old oven. It surely would have cost less than this piece of crap. Even if it did not cost less, it would have been worth fixing it. This oven is now coming up on four years now. It is said that appliances now-a-days do not last longer than seven years. How true that is. This one has started rusting!

When we moved in, we bought a fridge, but it was too big for the kitchen, our real estate agent gave us the wrong dimensions of its cubby. So, we needed to get another fridge. That was alright, I like having two fridges, they are often jam-packed with produce, that two is barely enough. So, we bought a second fridge, which was supposed to be the same one we left at our old house. The old fridge was supposed to come with us, but the real estate agent convinced us to include it in the sale to entice buyers, a huge mistake on our part.

The fridge that was left behind was ten years old when we moved out, and was still alive last I heard two years after moving to our new digs. The fridge we bought for the new house lasted not quite eight years. Another example of improved technology. Amazingly the other fridge has lasted almost eleven years. It should explode soon. We replaced our water heater after about ten years, which is pretty good now-a-days. The previous one was over thirty years old. The pre-tank water heater lasted about seven years, same model, but made later. More improved technology.

Our washer and dryer, which died within days of each other, lasted about eleven years, a miracle of modern manufacturing. The washer in our old house, we were convinced again to leave behind to sweeten the pot with the fridge, was  ten years old as well when we left it behind and it was still working at least two years longer as well.

I will give you a super example of how modern manufacturing improvements blow. My friend, Pete from Osgoode, has an aunt who still has her original appliances in her kitchen, fridge and stove. They are over forty years old. They are a red colour that you will find in the finest whorehouses around, but still. They run like tops, I think she has replaced the gasket on the fridge door once or twice. And I am sure she has made some repairs to them over the years. They were built to be fixed. The junk they make now is made to be thrown out.

Here is the kicker: people often replace  appliances while they are still working. We do this to help the environment. What a sham, scam, and load of bull turds! How is that possible? How are we helping the environment? We certainly are helping the companies that make this junk for us to buy and throw out after a few years, but if it does last longer, we often replace them anyway. Thus, we help the junk manufacturers anyway.

But wait, there's more! We are helping the electrical utilities most of all, not to mention all energy providing entities. How? By buying in to their lies. Lies of the highest order. They too tell us that we are helping the environment by replacing our appliances before they die, because new appliances use less electricity. So, we have junk fabricators, and "fact" fabricators.

You are probably scratching your head right now and think I have, not only lost my marbles, but have seriously chipped every single one before doing so. That may very well be, but this diatribe is not the evidence.

You see, we use electricity. The electricity companies tell us they want us to use less for the sake of the environment. Well, pretty much all utility, and energy providing companies - oil and gas producers and distributors too, have done a lot of defacing of this planet and continue to do so. Hydro-electric dams, oil rigs in the ocean, fracking, hell even so-called solar and wind power are not so nice to the planet in many ways. I know. I know. I sound like a conspiracy theorist.

Back to my point. How does our using less, help the electrical utility make more money? Well, they get more and more users, not customers, users. We are junkies of power usage. However, as more and more users come online, they cannot always meet that demand as quickly. So, while they get more users, they charge more horse-crap base fees to people before any electricity is used by them. Pretty sweet, right? We, in turn, as environmentally conscious people, replace our appliances for more "efficient" ones to use less electricity. 

Here is the catch, the electricity, or whatever other fuel that was involved in producing your, say a fridge, your fridge, can never be recovered. That fuel to get the raw materials, to transport those raw materials, to manipulate those raw materials in to components, to transport those components, to assemble those components in to finished goods, to ship those goods to stores, to ship those goods to your home, cannot be recovered. Ever.

But wait, there's more! There is even more fuel that cannot be recovered. All the people involved in extracting the raw material, all the way to getting the finished product to your home, they have to get to and from work right? And it does not matter how they get to work, even if it is not a fuel consuming vehicle. The bus, tram, train, bicycle, shoes, that they may use to get to and from work have all consumed fuel at some point to go through the whole process your fridge did. And do not forget all your driving, busing, bicycling, what-have-you, that you did to look at all those different models of refrigerators in all those different stores. More unrecoverable fuel.

But wait, there's more! Then there is the disposal of your old fridge. Many just end up in landfills, you may think not, but you can live in that fantasy world if you want. Many, I am sure are broken down in to base components, but many parts will still be unsalvageable. Then there is the energy to do all that, taking your, "no longer useful" fridge away, dumping it, or striping it, or what ever. Fuel is involved.

But wait, there's more! Many electrical utilities actually charge higher rates for industrial consumption of their drug. That is correct, many factories pay a premium for electricity used to make consumer goods. There are varying formulae, but in the end the electricity "dealer" makes a ton of dough. At all stages, sub-stages, side-stages, and in the whole process again as it is renewed to make you another fridge. Pretty sweet, eh?! Plus, they have raped the planet quite handily, not always directly, but all energy providers are part and parcel to strangling this planet. But I bet you feel better using less electricity by purchasing a new fridge and helping to save the planet?

I know I......., excuse me,......., (ralph),....... Oh, now I feel better, not for using "less" electricity, just for puking my guts out in the realisation that I have been duped this whole time.

Do not even get me started on how new light bulb technologies fill the fat cats vaults with ridiculous gobs of cash too. Let alone the whole computer technology renewal cycle baloney. Maybe tomorrow. If I turn off my computer for a few hours, maybe I can save the planet?!? blbbl

Sunday, September 24, 2017

it's stinkin' hot!

It is hot like yesterday, but hazier. We had out first hike of the Scouting year with our Troop.

It was originally planned for about five hours out on the trail. We decided to shorten it due to the extreme heat and humidity. The sun too is pretty scorching on the old hide.

While hiking we maintained a pace of 4 km/h (2½ mph). Pretty respectable, as the expected pace of pre-teen youth is  2½ km/h (1½ mph). In the end they averaged the expected pace, once breaks were added to the overall time. For my tastes, the breaks were too frequent and too long. However, it is early days and it was pretty hot still before 11:00 AM when we finished up.

If we do end up participating in the Rideau Challenge Journey hike, I am confident they can maintain a brisker overall pace. We should be able to get in at least one more hike in before then, and hopefully the weather will cool down some by then too.

Again, this is high-summer weather we are having here, not autumnal as it now officially is. Anyway, stinkin', smokin', mirage generating hot. I am going to get something cool to drink and sit in the shade. Ta. blbbl

Saturday, September 23, 2017

where did all the birds go?

So, I have noticed that the birds have been becoming less frequently over that last couple of weeks. Very surprising, as there is lots for them to feast on. I know birds come and go based on many various factors , including food sources and shelter. I expect someone is putting out some really good stuff for them to eat. Not that what we put out here at Casa Rooster is crap.

It has been unseasonably warm in the last week too, which may be keeping them in more shaded areas. Today, it hit at least 30℃ (86℉), with a humidex hitting 39/40 ℃ (102/104℉), with much the same for tomorrow. I put out some shallow containers with water today so the birds, and whatever other critters, can get some relief. Although, there are several creeks and streams very close by. Even the squirrels have lightened up on their assaults of the bird feeders. There was one new guy today, I am pretty certain he will not be inducted in to the Expanding Legion of Evil (ELoE).

He was on the black oil sunflower seed feeder this morning. I came out and he froze. You see, they do not have much of an egress in how I set it up. Basically, they have to jump off and run for it. This guy, after he gained some composure, looked up and realised that there was no way he could run up the bare copper wire that the feeder was hanging from. He jumped down, then he bolted. Then he came back towards me, then he bolted. Then he came back towards me, then he bolted. I almost felt sorry for him. Then he ran towards me and actually bolted away far enough that I did not consider him a threat. I went inside, then I looked out the back door. He immediately came back and was sitting on a chunk of ornamental wood, looking in to the house right at me. I opened the door and eventually he bolted away and only came back once, but bolted again and away. What a maroon!

Anyway, back to the birds. I have seen little of the blue jays, cardinals, various woodpecker type birds. The American goldfinches have not been around for at least five days. The white breasted nuthatches, black capped chickadees, mourning doves, and various sparrows are still coming around, but less so. In fact, a downy woodpecker or two in the last two days have been making regular appearances again. I think the downies are back because I have just started putting out suet again. they love that stuff.

Like the squirrels, the chipmunks have been much less frequent. There are at least six or eight of them, I have only seen one or two. I can find no carcasses left by the neighbourhood cats and other predators, nor roadkill. I did find a mangled mouse, but that is the only confirmed casualty.

So, in addition to the abnormal heat, I think something else is going on. One factor, other than a probable multitude of food sources nearby, natural and human provided, is obviously their preparations for winter. To me, that seems to indicate we are going to have some nasty, cold weather sent down by Jack Frost. There have even been a multitude of flyovers of geese in the last week to ten days.

However, I do believe something else is at play. Something that apparently is not supposed to be so. However, my observations over the years speak to the contrary. I have written about it previously, but I will re-expound on it now.

The birds hanging around the place are not considered migratory birds. However, we are at the northern range of these birds for one. There are also heavily wooded areas nearby that would provide better cover than much of what is in my immediate area. I do know that some birds hang at the back cedar hedge, which is ten feet or more tall and at four feet or more deep. Not a bad hidey-hole for some wildlife, not to mention the trees running along the closest creek and the small clusters of trees between myself and my neighbours. However, none of that is near as dense as the forested areas nearby.

I think many of these birds are already organising winter residences. Some, probably not so far away in denser patches and even out towards the Marlborough Forest, where I have seen quite large parties of blue jays nearby in winter and on the fringes of both sides of that chilly season, but never in the summer. However, I think more are moving serious distances to where the weather may be milder for them and the habitat even more protective than out here amongst large stretches of farm fields.

For them to want to stay around longer or even through the winter, now that there are more food sources, such as I provide, could take years for them to adapt to, if ever. Plus, I need to keep the food sources running non-stop. I am going to look in to what indigenous plants I can place in my back property that can provide additional food sources and maybe shelter. Certainly, none have ever taken up residence in the birdhouses I have setup, just some big-ass spiders.

Now, I am not an ornithologist, nor do I play one on television, but my anecdotal observations do not lead me to any other conclusion. Non-migratory birds do migrate. Of course, not to Mexico or South America from the Ottawa Valley, but far enough away that they largely vanish during the cold, dark winter. If I am wrong, convince me. blbbl

Friday, September 22, 2017

episode 3 - revenge of the group commissioner

Now comes the gritty stuff. Yesterday will be mild compared to what started in April. The catalyst of my demise was a bottle drive, on Saturday 15 April 2017, to raise funds for our attendance to CJ17. When it was concluded we went to the local LCBO/Beer Store agent to turn them in for cash. It was not my idea to go there as we had been, wrongly, rebuffed before. For the details of that encounter see my earlier post. I also followed up with the LCBO and Beer Store in the matter and they confirmed, on Wednesday 19 April 2017, that the store/agent in question, was required to take the empties from our bottle drive, see this post.

Now that you have caught up reading the earlier posts, I will get in to the fall-out from that interaction. Scouter Palpatine responded the next day via email. He not only emailed all the Scouters who were present at the bottle drive, but also every Scouter on the Troop's email list, Scouts (i.e. youth, aka minors) and the parents, in addition to AC Milwaukee. Oh, yeah, also at least one person who was not an active member of Scouts Canada or any other Scouting organisation - what amounted to a private citizen who should never have been communicated with in this matter, was also included. I have no idea if other "civilians" were contacted as well, I would not be surprised though if they were.

Here is his email, with timestamp and the subject line of: 

Yesterday's Exhibition at Mulligan’s Parking Lot

16 April 2017 at 14:00 (about 24 hours, give or take, after the bottle drive)

At the conclusion of the bottle drive on Saturday, we knew ful well when we went to Mulligans that it was a long shot as the owner already advised us they don't accept bottle drives.

But we thought that we might give it a try and indeed the staff person confirmed to us that they wouldn’t take the bottles. It was not our intention to engage in a confrontation.

Your ensuing unfettered aggression towards the cashier at Mulligans was entirely inappropriate and unacceptable. You stepped way out of line.

While it may be frustrating that Mulligan's aren't more community minded; it is not for us to criticize and assume how Mulligans should run their business.

And it isn’t my business how you handle your private affairs and if you must, take up your battle with Mulligans you must do so on your own time out of scout uniform.

Your exhibition was a liability to ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouts. This behaviour jeopardizes scouting in our community and will certainly not help in its acceptance in future. We are trying hard to build up our group not diminish it.

When you are representing ⍽⍽⍽⍽ you are representing all of us. We are all ‘continuous’ ambassadors of Scouts Canada, not just towards Mulligans but the entire community. We must be upstanding citizens at all times under all circumstances.

Furthermore, we will apologize to Mulligans for the treatment of their staff. If you won’t, then I will do so personally and in writing.

I suggest that you learn to control your emotions and outbursts. If this happens again, under whatever circumstance, we will have to find you a different role and you will not be entrusted with the role of scouter for ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽.

Wow! Strong stuff. Too bad he remembered everything in only a negative manner of my deportment, which in my opinion was relatively civil, albeit firm and non-conciliatory, towards the store's employee. Odd, no mention of her derisive and rude treatment.

My response:

17 April 2017 at 12:02 (just under 24 hours of Palpatine's censure)

Scouter Palpatine:

I will do my best to address all your comments and concerns.

First and foremost, I am only responding to yourself and Scouter Milwaukee. Unlike yourself, as you obviously felt you needed to send your email to the entire Troop: Scouters, parents, Scouts, and at least one person who is not a member of the Troop, Group, or Scouts Canada. In addition to posting it to Google Groups.

You should have perhaps contacted me directly to express your concerns, opinions, and suggestions. We could have taken it from there. If you still felt it necessary to inform the entire Troop, and whomever else, you could have perhaps sent out a less inflammatory and public statement about the events that transpired at Mulligan’s Grocery on Saturday 15 April 2017.

Bear in mind, that as you have now placed your email in the public domain, you, and Scouts Canada or any of its representatives, no longer have any control or oversight over what may occur with that email’s distribution.

My responses follow.

Yes, I knew full well that it was a long shot that Mulligan’s Grocery would take our bottle drive returns. However, it was not my idea or suggestion to take the returns to Mulligan’s Grocery. If you recall, it was another Scouter’s suggestion.

No, it was not our, or my, intention to engage in a confrontation. However, when the employee of Mulligan’s Grocery opened the returns door, she was immediately confrontational, negative, and unsupportive.

I felt that that behaviour needed to be questioned. Unlike yourself, I did not see my response to her negative behaviour as unfettered aggression. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I do not think I stepped out of line by questioning their flouting of their contractual obligations as a Beer Store Retail Partner and LCBO Agency Store. Please see the attached documents about their responsibilities as a Beer Store Retail Partner and LCBO Agency Store as well as this link. All of which clearly state they are required to accept empty wine, beer, and spirit containers. No exemptions are listed for bottle drives.

Thank-you for agreeing publicly that Mulligan’s Grocery is not very community minded. As to whether, we, as members of the community, are not entitled to criticise their not following their contractual obligations, I cannot agree with that.

Thank-you again for agreeing how I conduct myself as a private citizen is not your business. I will not engage in my private affairs on Scouts Canada time or in Scouts Canada uniform.

That my exhibition is a liability to the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Group is your opinion. I cannot, at this time, comment on your opinion. Again, as to jeopardising Scouting in this community and its acceptance in the future, is again, your opinion, and I am, at this time, unable to comment.

Yes, we should be trying hard to build up our Group and not diminish it. Yet, recent actions by some Scouters appear to be contrary to that and are best discussed in another venue.

Yes, I see your point that, while I am in uniform and on Scouts Canada time, I am representing the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group and all of its members. Yes, while fulfilling the above parameters, we are all ‘continuous’ ambassadors of Scouts Canada, towards, not just one business, such as Mulligan’s Grocery, but the entire community. And yes, while in Scout uniform or on Scouts Canada time, we all must be upstanding citizens at all times and under all circumstances.

If you feel an apology is necessary, that is your purview as the Group Commissioner of the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group. However, I am not sure of what treatment of their staff you are referring to. I criticised Mulligan’s Grocery’s business practices and at no time did I disparage its employees.

As to my apologising as a Scouter in uniform, I will take that under advisement and respond to that shortly.

As to controlling my emotions and outbursts, that is a tall order. I pledge I will do my best going forward. If I can receive clarification as well to what is unacceptable, I will ensure I will comply with your demands of self-control and you will not have to find me a different role.

Now, my comments to your email.

Sending this email to not just myself, but other members of the Troop, Group and at least one person who is not a member of Scouts Canada, is inappropriate, unacceptable, and is backed by unfettered aggression to myself. Your attempt to embarrass and humiliate me publicly is unfortunate, mean, small-minded, cruel, and disrespectful. Greater diplomacy and respect on your part should have been your guide. As you, as Group Commissioner, are the guide of all the members of the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group, including myself.

Furthermore, you can attack me personally, that is fine, I am a big boy. However, by including the people in the email that you did, embarrasses and disrespects my wife and son within the Troop, Group, and publicly. That is totally unacceptable, rude, and wrong. Your disagreement is with me and not my family.

Please consider, how can my son attend Scouting meetings and events without feeling embarrassed and belittled? How can he see and interact (with) anyone who has been exposed to this public email without feeling embarrassed and belittled? My son obviously does not have your respect and I fear this disrespect will filter to other members, Scouters, Scouts, and parents, of the Group and perhaps citizens at large.

As it is obvious you do not want me engaging in any comments or opinions, I am unable to carry on taking a lead on any Scouting meetings or events. To that, a replacement will need to be found to take the lead for the Rideau Challenge Journey that will be taking place on the weekend of 12-14 May 2017. I will participate, if I am allowed, but I will remain silent and follow whoever is the new lead for the event.

Also, I will be unable to continue planning and completing the necessary paperwork for the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop Canada Jamboree 2017 Contingent, as I wish to avoid inflaming, offending, or disrespecting anyone. A new lead will need to be found. I presume I will still be allowed to participate as a “follower” Scouter. I would like your assurances that I will still be able to attend the Canada Jamboree 2017 in that capacity with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop Canada Jamboree 2017 Contingent.

Furthermore, I will not initiate any communications in any form, from this point forward as a Scouter with any Scouter, Scout, or parent/guardian of a Scout unless otherwise directed to do so by yourself or any other member of Scouts Canada in a position above mine and I agree that compliance is necessary. Except of course, to explain that this is now required of me.

Also, I will not engage in any communications as a Scouter in any form with anyone outside of the Scouts Canada organisation unless otherwise directed to do so by yourself or any other member of Scouts Canada in a position above mine and I agree that compliance is necessary. Except of course, to explain that this is now required of me.

It is apparent by your email and its content that you no longer wish me to remain with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group in any capacity. I pledge I will not engage in any behaviour, comments, actions, what have you, to inflame, offend, or disrespect anyone. I do ask though, that I have your assurances that I will be able to remain as a Scouter with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group within the Scout Troop until the end of this current Scouting year. By the end of the current Scouting year I will leave the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group quietly and without ceremony.

As your email was within twenty-four hours of the events at Mulligan’s Grocery on Saturday 15 April 2017 and my reply to your email has been within twenty-four hours, I ask that you reply to this email within twenty-four hours with at least your response to my request for the above assurances.

Scouter Milwaukee:

If Scouter Palpatine does not reply within twenty-four hours, I request that you reply within twenty-four hours after that with a response to at least my request for the above assurances. Of course you may comment in any way you wish to Scouter Palpatine's initial email or my response.

Scouter Palpatine:

As your initial email included several people, other than yourself, Scouter Milwaukee, and myself, if you feel it is best my response should be sent to the original recipients of your email, I will forward this email to your original distribution. Let me know.

Respectfully and Yours in Scouting,

Richard Kaminski

first attachment
second attachment

Scouter Palpatine did not respond in the requested time so I fired off an email to Scouter Milwaukee, and CCed Scouter Palpatine:

18 April 2017 at 15:04

Scouter Milwaukee:

As Scouter Palpatine has elected to not respond yet, I hope you will address my response and requests that I have made to Scouter Palpatine's email within twenty-four hours.

Respectfully and Yours in Scouting,

Richard Kaminski

Miraculously, Scouter Palpatine replied to the above email within about 7 hours:

18 April 2017 at 22:05

Hi Rick, 

Sorry that I wasn't able to meet your scheduled request but it was a long day of meetings at work today. 

First of all I am very sorry for the anguish that this correspondence has caused "the wife" and "the boy" and for that I am again truly sorry. I will apologize to them both forth with. It was never my intent to cause harm and I certainly erred in that regard. 

Regarding the rest of your response I don't have the time now to address it. I trust you'll understand.


Boo hoo, he was busy. Who is not? He did apologise to the wife in person at a meeting, and she told him to not approach the boy. The boy knew what was going on; he was included in the first email.  But Palpatine had the nerve to blow me off in his response. Sorry, I did not understand his "reason". He took the time to crap all over my Easter Sunday dinner (figuratively). He could have at least had the decency to respond to me in a timely manner. But, that is Palpy. However, he did respond to my request in the end, sort of, two days after the initial kiss-off. However, he also could not help himself, but had to expand the circle of people involved in the matter and added a Scouter from the Council level to the distribution of the following email, when he is mentioned, he will be known as Scouter Cad Bane:

20 April 2017 at 14:32

I will begin by saying that I was always impressed by your organization and administration skills. You provided outstanding activity plans and preparations. That said however, your response on Monday puts me in a difficult position.

I do not feel secure having you in charge of youth as your methods create stressful situations for others.  Your criticism of Troop operations at our last group meeting has created considerable tension in our group. This makes it difficult for everybody to be effective and threatens the unity of the group. As such, I cannot in good conscience have you stay on as a volunteer with ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ and I will be removing your roles as a volunteer with the Group effective today. You will remain welcome as a parent to "the boy" but not in any other capacity.

Saturday’s incident was just one more which has convinced me that your involvement in the group is not conducive to the growth and development of other volunteers. 

While you exhibit outstanding skill in organization and administration this does not adequately compensate for the required leadership and interpersonal communication in the Group with youth.

I did offer you an opportunity to become Group Administrator and had honestly hoped that you would come forth and make a contribution in those areas where you are strong, but you have clearly refused.

I know how committed you are to scouts so I have continued to give you the benefit of the doubt since Brotherhood. However, recent actions on your behalf demonstrate an incompatibility with ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting.

This is not a termination of membership in Scouts Canada. You are still welcome to participate as a member in a different group, but I will be removing you of any roles and responsibilities in ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting.

If you have issues about my decision then I suggest that you take it up with Area.



I will say, Palpatine is an excellent spin master, also a practiced fabricator of fact. Below is my response, but not to Palpatine, as he had clearly stated he had washed his hands of the matter (kind of like Pontius Pilate, not that I claim to be the Second Coming, Jesus, or god-like) and was done communicating to me. I do believe it addressed all his concerns, responses, and decisions:

20 April 2017 at 23:48

Scouter Milwaukee and Scouter Cad Bane:

It was mentioned that I could follow up with Area concerning my dismissal from ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop. However, as he has included the Executive Director of Voyageur Council, I am including Scouter Cad Bane. I have not included Scouter Palpatine in this email as he has made full reference that he no longer considers himself to be involved in this matter.

I am grateful to Scouter Palpatine for his compliments about my organisational and administrative skills. That not withstanding, my response on Monday 17 April 2017 to his email dated Sunday 16 April 2017, which was sent to myself, the entire Troop, including parents and Youth, and at least one person who was not a member of Scouts Canada in any capacity, was done with all earnestness.

If I was not allowed to respond to said email, Scouter Palpatine should have been clear that his very public censure and derision of me was the end of the matter and I had no capacity to respond. However, in a civil and free society, discussion and rebuttal are normal.

As to my criticism of Troop operations at the last Group Committee meeting on Monday 03 April 2017, I did ask if Scouter Palpatine wanted to take it up during the meeting or privately as I presumed it was not necessary for non-Troop members to be involved. It was not my decision to discuss my concerns in the manner they had been.

I am confused that one is not allowed to discuss and question methods that Scouters utilise. Especially, as is known, since at least the beginning of the current Scouting year, that Scouter Palpatine and several other Scouters were critical of my administration of the Troop and at times openly hostile.

As is known, I voluntarily stepped down as Troop Scouter after the Troop meeting on Wednesday 09 November 2016 and Scouter Palpatine, Scouter Pong Krell, and Scouter Jar Jar decided to run the Troop as a collective, or ruling committee. Over time, I came to see the methods employed by the ruling committee as ineffective, lacking organisation, structure, planning, proper communication, and disclosure. I did not know that this ruling committee was not bound to the same critical review as I had been.

The unity of the Group was already threatened long before I voiced my opinion of the current state of Troop. I also hardly think my opinions have threatened the unity of the Group, as I advised Scouter Palpatine and all present at the above mentioned Group Committee meeting that no less than two Scouts were leaving the Troop as a result of the style of the ruling committee that took over Troop operations after 09 November 2016. There are in fact no less than six Scouts leaving Troop at the end of this year. If Scouter Palpatine would like to lay fault with me; I cannot make him think any differently.

I also offered, in writing, more than once, to discuss Troop with the “key three” of the Group Committee, headed by Scouter Palpatine, yet that offer was never taken up. I also brought up concerns with Troop operations as a parent; they too were dismissed by all members of the ruling committee.

Scouter Palpatine implied that I lack leadership and communication skills. Not liking my style and lacking skill are two different matters. Just as I questioned the ruling committee’s leadership and communication styles, the ruling committee had skills in those areas, but I personally felt they were not adequate. If he thought I needed improvement, perhaps Scouter Palpatine could have spoken with me, as I tried with him, or sought out resources within the Area and Council to coach myself and anyone else he thought could use some help.

If I had known my only choice to remain with the Group was to become Group Administrator, I would have taken the position for the sake of the Group. I did not refuse the position, I respectfully declined acceptance. The end result is virtually the same, but the civility is markedly different. Respectfully declining leaves the issue somewhat open, where refusal shuts it down completely.

Scouter Palpatine claimed he gave me the benefit of the doubt since Brotherhood (23-25 September 2016). However, as Scouter Palpatine only became Group Commissioner, by email declaration, on Tuesday 08 November 2016, or Monday 14 November 2016 (as many members of the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group did not receive the initial announcement through error or omission), that implies that for at least six weeks before becoming the Group Commissioner he already had the intent to reorganise my status within the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group.

Scouter Palpatine stated he had been monitoring my recent actions, would it not have been prudent to have a private conversation with me, offer me coaching, or some other manner of positive interaction. Scouter Palpatine kept referring in his email to multiple incidents and actions that have convinced him of my incompatibility with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group. Yet, at no time did he discuss these incidents or actions with me. What are these incidents and actions that so concerned him about me that he took no action?

In my response to his email of Sunday 16 April 2017, I offered to pull back and reduce my footprint in the Troop and Group to eliminate the chance of not meeting Scouter Palpatine's standards of deportment. I did ask to be allowed to remain with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group to the end of the current Scouting year. I promised to leave quietly and without ceremony. Apparently, my offer to humble myself was inadequate.

One other item I sought was to be able to remain with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop Canada Jamboree 2017 Contingent. Scouter Palpatine's action in regards to my status as a Scouter impedes that. I am sure that he has already organised another Scouter to take my place to meet the ratio requirements.

Bearing that in mind, there are several issues related to Canada Jamboree 2017 that Scouter Palpatine should consider. My truck was to transport gear and tow the Group trailer to the Jamboree. I am sure it is not so very difficult to secure another vehicle to replace mine. However, I have also made several arrangements that have been booked under my name, some of which have been secured by myself financially. I will be unable to maintain liability of any kind, financially or otherwise, if I am to not participate. That has placed at least vehicle and accommodation bookings at risk. Scouter Palpatine's decision not only concerns the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop, but also the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop and the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop.

Scouter Palpatine also mentioned Youth safety. I too have the same resolve. To that, several parents have approached me in regards to several events and activities the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scout Troop have been involved in and have informed me that if I were not present, or certain other Scouters were not present, they would not allow their Youth to participate. Scouter Palpatine's lack of confidence in me does not concern me, as we should be concerned with the Youth and the parents having confidence in all of us as Scouters, mentors, guides, and protectors of their children. I have always put the Youth first.

I am not sure why my private response to Scouter Palpatine's public and zealous censure of me has concerned him. I did the courtesy of responding, in a timely manner, to his statements as evenly as I possibly could. I also did so quietly by only including the Area Commissioner, Scouter Milwaukee, who was included in the original email. When I asked for the same treatment in kind, he ignored my response. When I asked Scouter Milwaukee to address my response, Scouter Palpatine eventually came back with a curt reply as to why he did not return the courtesy.

When Scouter Palpatine finally responded to my email, three days later, he did not address my response. He continued to cite long-term misconduct that, if it ever happened, he has never brought it up with me previously. He also stated that if I have issue with his decision, to take it up with Area, implying he was done with the matter. I suspect he deliberately elevated this to the Council level, by including the Executive Director, in the hope that I will be unable to secure a new Scouter position anywhere within Voyageur Council.

To close, Scouter Palpatine posed an ultimatum that if I repeated my actions, which were not as egregious as he made them out to be, of Saturday 15 April 2017, that I would be found another role outside of the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group. He should explain to everyone how I have done this since this past Saturday, as I only responded to his email and did not engage in or attend any Scout meetings, events or activities.  Otherwise, I truly do not understand his sole and independent decision, as far as I am aware, to remove me from the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group.

I am still willing to work this out. However, I do not believe that Scouter Palpatine will take any action to work with me in any way. Nonetheless, I have been advised of other situations where he has worked with other Scouters to improve their performance and deportment.

Scouter Milwaukee and Scouter Cad Bane, I would like to please have responses from both of you in regards to Group Commissioner Scouter "Emperor" Palpatine's correspondence and decisions.

Respectfully and Yours in Scouting,

Richard Kaminski

N.B. The entire content of any email, including this one, 
that I, Richard Kaminski, send or draft, remains my, 
Richard Kaminski's, intellectual property, for any use I, 
Richard Kaminski, see fit in perpetuity. Cheers. 
Oh yeah: All rights reserved © 2017 Richard Kaminski.​
(I started including this note in my email correspondence at about this time)

I did get a response from Scouter Milwaukee:

22 April 2017 at 20:32

Hello Rick,

Cad Bane is the Council Executive Director, currently serving as ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Area Support Manager.

The reason the decision was made to remove you from the group was a demonstrated incompatibility of your communication and leadership style, and that of other volunteers. Palpatine and I spoke at length about your involvement in the group, and we came to the decision to remove you as a volunteer from ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽.

Cad Bane, Palpatine and I are aware of the work you've put into planning and preparing for CJ. We will be following up with you in the next couple of weeks to discuss future needs and responsibilities for the trip after speaking with the other volunteers.

For the time being, I respectfully ask you keep your discussion of this matter between the people you already know to be aware.


⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Area Commissioner
Scouts Canada

Okay. There were a couple of more emails, and then everything more or less ended, except for my still helping my former Troop with their CJ17 preparations. Here are the last two emails. The first from myself:

24 April 2017 at 09:49


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It was a very busy weekend. The soapbox derby was fantastic again this year. Another amazing crash as well.

Thank-you for your response. It is unfortunate that I could not be involved in the dialogue over my status as a Scouter with the ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouting Group. It is obvious the decision is final.

As such, I presume my outstanding Commendations and Medal for Good Service will be forwarded to me.

My address is:

Richard Kaminski


Richard Kaminski

Milwaukee's response:

24 April 2017 at 10:56

Glad you had a fun time at the soapbox derby. I believe Palpatine and I will find an appropriate time to give you the certificates of commendation and medal. Although you have been asked to step away as a volunteer with this group, that does not negate the dedication and service you gave to the group. 

I will work with Palpatine to determine the best way to get the recognition to you. 

Area Commissioner- ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Area-Voyageur Council 
Twitter: @⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽

So, that is where everything stopped. It took seven days, twenty hours, fifty-six minutes to all transpire from the first email to the last. A friend collected my outstanding awards for my service to Scouting. There was no way I was going to give Emperor Palpatine an opportunity to try to humiliate me in public.

Also, he never removed me from the roles I had in that Scout Group. My new Group Commissioner, who is a great GC and terrific Scouter, did so when I officially became a member of that new Group on Thursday 04 May 2017. The boy and I went to CJ17 with a Scout Group from Nova Scotia and Girl Guides from Scotland; this occurred by the efforts of the wife and another terrific Scouter in charge of registration for CJ17. I actually ran in to Emperor Palpatine at least three times at CJ17; we were both civil to each other, we may even have shaken hands, I do not recall for certain though.

So, I have a few points to address and questions. First, Cad Bane never replied to my request. Personally, I find that unprofessional. Especially if he was also our Area Service Manager. This position is to support Scouters working in their local Groups. I asked for help, yet he ignored me. So, now as far as I am concerned, regardless of whatever position Cad Bane has in Scouts Canada, he has no right or privilege to communicate with me in any way, until he officially follows up in this matter. In officially, I mean in writing and reply to my request. I had no idea he was my Support Manager until after I was told by Milwaukee. I never met him or communicated with him in any way. Really, I still have not. Thanks for the support Cad!

The questions:

If I was such a lousy Scouter and poor at interacting and communicating, why did Palpatine offer me the job of Group Administrator? I would have to communicate and interact, in addition to administrating.

If I was such a lousy Scouter and poor communicator and leader, why did Area Commissioner Milwaukee, more than once, offer me the job of Deputy Area Commissioner - Troop? I would have to communicate and lead and there would be all kinds of interacting with Scouts and Scouters and probably parents. I turned the position down as I felt I still had much to do with , now my old, Troop and Group. I explained my plans to become more of a background and support Scouter in a year or two to both Milwaukee and Emperor Palpatine on several occasions.

If I was such a lousy Scouter, why did others put me in for Commendations and a Medal for Good Service? Which I received, and which Emperor Palpatine only very recently entered in the Scouts Canada database to be officially recognised. (Actually, it was probably someone else who finally did it, so thanks, whoever you are.)

Personally, I believe I was the victim of a witch-hunt, but I do not know the reasoning behind it. The only explanation I can come up with is that Emperor Palpatine, with the help of his minions, wanted to brand the Group in his own image and to remove people who he felt threatened his authority and intentions. This happens time and again in the workplace when small-minded people gain authority over others who do their jobs very well. If someone can convince me otherwise, please do so.

I also believe that he is being groomed to become the next Area Commissioner of my old Area. That is why AC Scouter Milwaukee backed that horse in this "race" through to its unfortunate and ridiculous conclusion. You see, ACs normally have a term for three years. Milwaukee is now in her fourth year of that three year term, if my math is correct. Sometimes, those terms are extended by a year, even occasionally two. Why would she be hanging on when she could work in another position and work on new projects, also knowing she has to depart from her current slot very soon? 

I will tell you why, so Emperor Palpatine can complete at least one full year in the slot of GC and perhaps be put on some advanced training. Well, I hope the universe keeps an eye out for my old Area, because the Emperor only has a few panels left to put on that big round ball thing with the powerful laser that lays waste to everything in its path. This time Rogue One cannot help, or is it One Giant Rube (I am referring to myself), cannot get the plans to the right people to stop this impending doom, the Rube tried and failed. (Cool, I got another Star Wars title in to the mix.)

Well, I guess there is no accounting for taste. blbbl

[N.B. Is this the end of our deluded hero's tale? Or will someone or something "Strike Back"? I hope not, I am running out Star Wars titles to homage. Cheers!]

Thursday, September 21, 2017

rumble before the storm - the @$$ clown wars

Continuing from yesterday, the second year with Troop began well enough. The only real ripple was trying to organise plans to attend the national Canadian Scout Jamboree (CJ17) that would be held in July.

Attempts were made to involve the Scouts, who were enthusiastic, and the parents, who were largely reserved. Understandable, as it was expected that the total cost travelling to and from the Jamboree and attending the event itself could be as much as $1500 per participant, youth and adult. Before we had concluded the previous year, perhaps as many as nine or ten Scouts and at least three Scouters were interested in going. Meetings held in the summer yielded little in results and then the new Scouting year began.

In the meantime we began rolling forward with the year's program. We planned for and attended Brotherhood. A somewhat archaic sounding name, but historical, with the meaning of commonality and camaraderie. Also, early in the year, I gave my annual "I am a dick" speech. My name at CJ17, from the moment I stepped through the gates of the camp, was actually Scouter Dick. A diminutive form of my first name and also an indicator of my disposition if need be.

This speech essentially informs the Scouts, and Scouters, that we will go to great lengths to accomplish whatever they, the youth, want to in their Scouting journey. There are caveats. If it is not a very Scouty activity, do not count on it happening. If it is illegal or against Scouts Canada's policies, do not count on it happening. If related risks cannot be reasonably mitigated, or if it is just far too dangerous, do not count on it happening. If the Scouts' and Scouters' skill sets do not match up to the desired activity, do not expect it to happen; unless, of course, you build your skills to be able to accomplish it. If it is beyond our financial means, do not expect it to happen. Above all, we, as Scouters, are there for the Scouts. We are a democracy, they largely choose their own program. However, we, the Scouters, in the end have the final say. If any of the above caveats cannot be overcome, then we have to move on to other activities.

In the end, as I was Troop Scouter, I had the ultimate final say. Regardless if even every Scouter stood against my decision. We, as adults, are responsible for these youth. I am responsible for every decision and action made, not only by the youth, but also be my fellow Scouters. I am responsible ultimately for everything, legally and morally. So, I told them in the course of this speech, that at times it will appear that I am being a dick, but there are reasons some activities are pursued and why some are not. They may not understand all the reasoning behind it, but not one single decision, made by myself, was out of malice or pettiness.

This is how I learnt to operate when I first joined the Colony, and I how operated ever since. The start of this Scouting year was also when Scouts Canada began an entirely new methodology to Scouting. It was called the Canadian Path. The battle cry was: Youth Led. Really, nothing changed for me. I had been involved in youth led programming since I joined the Scouting movement. However, with this "new" method, they changed the superstructure of Scouting. The old Scout handbooks were removed from the program and a foldout pamphlet replaced it. Personally, I found it inadequate, as did other Scouters.

In addition, I had taken advanced training the previous summer. it was called Woodbadge II Troop. This was my third WBII course. I had taken it for Colony and Pack as well. You learn a lot, not just from the instructors, but also from your fellow "instructees".  there are caveats to taking advanced training. Scouts Canada is full of caveats, like most organisations. One must complete the basic WBI course for the relative Section and also be in that Section for a minimum of one year. My first WBI, I was with Colony for three years. My second WBII, I was with Pack for nearly three years. WBII Troop, I was with Troop for only one year.

As to taking a WBII course, I do agree you should be in the Section for at least a year. However, I also strongly believe one should be a Scouter for at least two years before one can take any advanced training. Why? Because to be honest, as a Scouter, you are still learning the ropes after only one year and I do not think one gets the most out of training they could that soon in one's Scouting career.

Case in point, the Scouter who joined the Troop who had never been in Scouting took the WBII Troop course with me. He had only been scouting from September through June by the time we took the training. I am not one to deny anyone the opportunity to take training so I never said anything. Well this Scouter, let us call him Scouter Palpatine. Well, Scouter Palpatine embraced the concepts of the "new" Canadian Path and this "brand new" concept of Youth Led.

To be honest, Palpatine harped on it all through the first year in Troop. I expressed certain reservations, such as the elimination of the Scout handbook and the general superstructure rebuild. I also, repeatedly explained that we were always youth led. It just varied based on the Section , the experience, and knowledge the youth had. Sometimes they would do most of the work for an activity, sometimes they would do little. I never expected a minor to organise a vehicle convoy, or to go alone and acquire all the provisions for an outing.

Yet, Palpatine continued to be the herald of this "new" program. I knew he was not going to get as much out of this advanced training as he might if he waited an extra year and got some more experience in the trenches. Sadly, we were part of the same workgorup all through the course. I came to loathe the phrases: Canadian Path and Youth Led. Oddly enough, others did too. Not so oddly, to a Scouter, all the trainers and trainees, stated they were already on the Canadian Path and running youth led programs long before it was placed in the official canon of Scouts Canada.

Never us mind. I discovered long before this course that once Palpatine decided something was so, then that was it and he was incapable of hearing anything else. Sadly, this outlook would come to haunt me over and over. And over.

We had discussions on what "The Path" meant as well as what does Youth Led really mean. Well, all of us, sans one Scouter, pretty much agreed that the program being led by youth meant that we encouraged them to accomplish as much as possible on their own with guidance, mentoring, encouragement, and assistance from the Scouters. We also agreed, sans one, that there are limits to Youth Led and that we need to recognise that and step in where these gaps existed. Not that we just take away the plan from the youth, but help them understand and learn how to complete that task hopefully the next time, or at the very least in the near future.

That being said, again, there are things kids cannot do. They cannot rent a vehicle. Normally they cannot book a facility, as they have no credit cards. To be honest too, the last thing I want is a couple of inexperienced kids plan and acquire provisions, particularly food, for a multi-day event to find out we have only half as much food needed for twice the price it should be. That is where passing on our knowledge and skills come in. Palpatine did not really get it. I still think he does not.

Fast forward to September. The Brotherhood was in NY State that year, so all the Scouts and Scouters needed passports, other various documentation, and so on. This is in addition to planning and outfitting. Again, planning began the previous year as this event comes up after only a few weeks of returning from the summer. Remarkably, some parents did not follow through with fulfilling all the requirements. Hell, one Scouter did not even bother doing it either. We will call him Scouter Jar Jar.

Anyway, as this is so early in the year and advanced planning can only do so much, a lot falls to the Scouters to get things done. Some decisions were made without consultation with the youth. Like, we will buy our groceries on the US side; the last thing I want is any fresh produce or meat being seized at the border or spoiling if there are undue delays. I also drew some funds from our account and converted it to US cash. No one thought of that. 

Anyway, all the rest of the gear squared away, convoy sorted, blah, blah, blah. Too easy, right? Yup. Right from departure, actually, just before, things began to go slightly sideways. Jar Jar shows up with a canoe. Really? We will most likely not have time for that, plus the only water near us will be a pretty busy channel of the St Lawrence Seaway, and I thought it was understood already that we were not bringing canoes. This will come back to bite me in the ass as you will see.

I gave verbal instructions before we left on our route twice, which had also been forwarded in writing. Our four vehicle convoy set off. My vehicle and the others were pointing one way and Jar Jar's another. I said we will tee-up right after our one and only traffic light in town to ensure we stick together. We got to the light and Jar Jar, who should have been there first, was nowhere to be seen. Right away, I was pretty sure he went to the highway a different way. I call the wife, who saw us off, yup he went the other way. We try calling him and the other Scouter in the vehicle, no dice. 

The rest of us set off and my co-pilot finally reaches the other vehicle. My guy tells Jar Jar's co-pilot where to heave too on the highway so we can stay in convoy. What do you think Jar Jar did? Yup, he just kept driving. We see him in the distance, he is barrelling down the road. Oh yeah, not only does he have the canoe on his roof, he is towing some dinky trailer. Not sure why as I have a huge trailer with all the gear and there was tons of room for whatever crap he had in there.

So, we are keeping an eye on him, so as to not lose him again. Then he slows down, and as we almost catch up, he speeds up. Then slows down. Finally, I get in front. I was supposed to set the pace. At some point he passed me once or twice and then falls behind. I had no idea what he was doing. We had prearranged a pitstop at the last highway gas station before going to the border, to fuel up and reconnect if we got separated. By this time, Jar Jar was lagging and we were not sure he would stop. Luckily he did, but for some reason, parked on the other side of the parking lot.

I went over to talk to him, but he was nowhere to be found at first. Everyone was sent off to pee and get drinks and snack if they wanted. Back in fifteen. Eventually, I see jar Jar. He is mucking about, chit-chatting, and generally horsing around. I attempt to approach him discretely, and find out what happened. He basically got confrontational from the start. He said he set off in the direction we agreed upon. False. He said he received no instructions to link up on the highway. False. Then he starts to go on how the canoe kept shifting. I stated, first he was not supposed to bring it in the first place, and asked why did he not stop on the highway to resecure it? Well, apparently it was too dangerous to stop on the generously wide, paved shoulder of the highway. Really? And it was not dangerous to drive with an improperly secured canoe. Then he started to lay in to me.

I told him I was of half a mind to send him home and get a replacement driver. The wife, who if you recall was a Scouter in the Group as Treasurer and is now in the new Group, was actually standing by. I had arranged with her to be available, because, honestly we did not have enough vehicles lined up until the day we departed. She agreed in advance to be ready to step in and step up. Her only stipulations were that she would be a driver and then stay in a hotel for the weekend during the camp. No worries, our Scouts Canada ratio was well met.

Anyway, I should have sent him home, but I did not. Also, during this whole time we were stopped at no point did Jar Jar attempt to correct his cargo on the roof. i called him on that. He then proceeded to pretend to resecure his canoe. Again, I should have sent him home. Fast-forward a bit. The next day after camp was set up, he was checking his trailer and realised he did not bring paddles or PFDs. What an ass clown. The canoe stayed on his roof the whole time.

Back to the moment. We proceeded again in convoy, not without issues, but better than the first leg. We cleared the border, got to camp, and began setting up to beat dusk. I made quick decisions to save time from humming and hawing. We had some dry goods for supper. I left instructions to ensure there was enough for everyone to have more than enough food. Including myself and fellow Scouter, lets call him Gree, to eat when we came back from getting the rest of the groceries for the weekend and firewood.

Gree and I set off, did our chores, and came back to no food. Well, actually one small bowl of soup. For some reason, Scouter "Ackbar" who was to organise the Scouts to make supper, which would have had plenty for seconds, was muscled out by Palpatine and Jar Jar, yes good ol' Palpy was there to. So, Palpatine and Jar Jar greatly reduced how much food was prepared, so that the everyone was still hungry. 

At this point, my appetite left me altogether from frustration, I did not eat. Gree had what was left of the soup and and he and Ackbar arranged snacks for everyone. I got a campfire going, incidentally, where Jar Jar wanted to set up the kitchen. Yes, he wanted to set up the kitchen over a firepit, in a small copse of trees. He was pissed with me, even though everything was laid out. He said I put the kitchen by a cliff. Yes, there was a drop off, but I told them the area, they put it "by the cliff", not me. What an ass clown. Also, he bitched because the equipment trailer was so far away from the kitchen. Really? It was about 25-30 metres away. Big deal. The trailer was put in its location to define our site's outer boundary.

The next day was so super awesome. Tons of activities lined up, as well as the opportunity for some major badge trading. First breakfast. One patrol, a sub-unit of the Troop, would cook and the other would clean up after the meal. It was bacon and eggs and toast and fruit. I was giving instruction to some of the Scouts as they had never really cooked breakfast before. Normally, we avoid bacon because it can be a giant pain in the ass for larger group. So, I was teaching them the method the wife and I use for bacon. Put some, but not a lot of bacon in the pan at first. While it heats up the fat melts and greases your pan. It does not take long and then do your bacon in batches, draining the fat as necessary. They were doing a fine job after the initial instruction. Well, Palpatine thought it was not good enough or too slow or both. He goes in the cooler grabs a pack of bacon, even though there was an adequate amount out and ready to go, cuts it wide open and dumps it in the pan. Awesome. Now, the Scouts were basically boiling bacon in a couple of inches of fat. My appetite was not returning now. So much for Youth Led.

Everything was more or less fine after that, for now. Everyone was set loose after the opening ceremony and given instructions as when to return for lunch and the Patrols would switch jobs in the kitchen. Lunch came around and the Patrol on cooking detail was nowhere to be found. So, the other Patrol started preparing lunch. The other Patrol had trickled in and they were informed, at least once, that they should be cooking, a couple stepped up, but the rest must have figured that that there were enough people making lunch. Well, Palpatine comes up to me and tells me that I should make them come and make lunch. Really? This from Mr. Youth Led. I informed him that that they were already told and if they chose not to make lunch, no problem, they would eat last and do clean up again.

A little background on how meals were normally done. One Patrol would cook, one Patrol would clean up afterwards. Now, the Patrol cooking still does basic cleanup to prevent a hard time for the final washing up. All the other Scouts eat first. Starting with the newest members of the Troop, up to senior Scouts, then Assistant Patrol Leaders, then Patrol Leaders. Finally, when all youth have had their meal (including those cooking), Scouters would eat, with the Troop Scouter last. If there is enough for seconds, then Scouts get first crack, then Scouters. If there is still food leftover and anyone is still hungry? Go for it. Everyone gets the same amount on the first round, no one gets extras. Seconds are usually the same or a bit less. Thirds, whatever you think you can handle. My rule, if you put it on your plate, it goes in your gob and you eat it. No food will be thrown out. Some failed to follow this. Boy they are always surprised when they have to finish their greedy plate loading.

Well, Palpatine would have none of this initiative by the Patrol to step up. He rounded everyone up and put them in the kitchen. Okay fine. An opportunity for a lesson in life was lost. Well, there was another one. They were making grilled cheese. Again, some words of wisdom on keeping an eye on the food cooking so as not to burn the sammies. Well, one Scout went off to fart around with something that had nothing to do with lunch. I cautioned him about burning the food. He did anyway. It was pretty black. I told him that was his lunch. He looked at me. Too bad buddy. You let it burn, why should someone else suffer your negligence.

Well, Jar Jar, who was his father too, took the burnt sandwich and ate it. Another lesson lost. However, he just broke the cardinal rule about the order of eating. He ate before the youth. A huge no no with me. In fact, he had already eaten a sandwich, plus a whole bunch of other food. Nor was he around to help supervise lunch. He proceeded to continue out of turn and stuff himself. I kid you not. It was piggish, selfish, and rude. I certainly did not get my appetite back.

What I learnt shortly afterwards, why Palpatine was slow off the mark ordering the Scouts around for lunch. He was napping! In fact, so was Jar Jar! Really?! So, lunch was done and time to clean up. The Patrol that had started cooking, had to wash up. One guy from the other Patrol did help out, but they somewhat got shafted. Plus, the Patrol that finished cooking left everything a mess. Some Scouts were pretty pissed. Well, I guess they probably learnt something.

The rest of the day was not so bad. Supper time came around. It was decided that the Scouters, mostly me and Scouter Chewbacca (one of our young lads), would make supper. Some of the Scouts from the breakfast cooking detail just started helping. They did not mind. So, I took the opportunity to show them my method for pasta and sauce. You know, how not to burn your sauce, how not to overcook the noodles or have the pot boil over. I taught them that when the sauce is emptied from the jar or can, splash a little water in it and swish it to get every bit of goodness. Also, add some olive oil to the sauce, it improves the flavour and makes more sauce. They were cutting up onions and peppers and in the end I was not doing much. Then came the pasta. We were making a lot. A huge pot and it is tough to get the heat right. Too easy to have the heat too low or too high, especially on a propane burner. So, I was about to teach them how to prevent boiling over as was about to happen. I asked Chewie to grab some cold water. I brought the lads around and as the pot was about to boil over I was going to show them that adding just  touch of water can help control the boil. Well, I never got the chance. Palpatine grabbed a bottle of canola oil, yes canola not something often associated with pasta, and poured a bunch in to stop the boil over. He was so proud of himself. I think if I did not grab the bottle and tip it up he would have poured half of it in. I said he was going to ruin the pasta. That I was about to show the Scouts how to control it. How, other than the pasta the only other thing that goes in the water is some sea slat. So much for Youth Led

I should have realised he may have been somewhat confused as he had just woken up from another nap. Well, no appetite again. In fact, except for few a chips and a couple of pickles, I did not eat for about two-and-a-half days. Anyway, we rode out the weekend with me mostly pissed off and grumbling. Gree actually gave me crap in the form of a lecture, on the drive back, and later. He was right, I agreed. I should have been more neutral. At a meeting shortly after Brotherhood I admitted to the Scouts that I realised I was not very Scouty at times on that weekend and pledged to endeavour to be as Scouty as possible in the future.

Shortly after Brotherhood we also had a Scouters' planning meeting. In the end it was myself, Jar Jar, and Pong Krell, the Scouter I recruited the previous year. I came to the meeting with a plan. A plan that had been discussed with the Scouts. The idea was to have mini-camps, hopefully every month, where the Scouts would plan, stock, and execute everything. No help from us. Youth led right? However, as I said, mini-camps. We could go out Friday night or Saturday morning and stay through Sunday morning. It would all be local, so resources and safety would be quick to hand if necessary. Plus we would have a trailer full of gear.

This way, if anything was forgotten or not planned for, it could be quickly rectified. I was certain some groups would pack a stove but no fuel; pack fuel but no stove; forget water (in my entire time with this Scout Group, in all our planning, not once did the Scouts say: "Hey, we need water!" until I actually pointed it out to them); not plan for enough food. What have you. The more resourceful would learn to wheel and deal with the other teams. Failing that, we would have backups of everything, so as to not ruin the weekend. At the end we would review what went right and what went wrong, where things could be improved, etc. I thought it was brilliant. I had even started to line up locations nearby with the help of some Scouts and Scouters.

Even though everyone knew this was the plan, it evolved from this to a heavily micromanaged mini-canoe camp. I suggested we could do that in the spring, while they cut their teeth first on solid ground. Well, no. Okay, fine. Then there was all this I cannot do it this weekend and I cannot do it that weekend. So, the date chosen was to accommodate Jar Jar and no one else. No matter what I suggested, no way. I basically compromised on everything. Not much choice when I had virtually zero support from these guys. At some point the discussion turned to Brotherhood. Jar Jar started calling me down. I pointed out his failings too: the canoe, the erratic driving, the napping, the gorging at meals. I told him he cared not for the youth at all. He lost it. I began to leave and he followed me and kept building up his head of steam. I tried to quickly talk to Pong, then I saw Jar Jar barrelling towards me. I was certain he was going to make a go for me. I already figured out where he would land on the ground, more than once if necessary. Suddenly he stopped and just yelled, almost nonsensically at me. Finally, I managed to extricate myself and left.

Yeah. This was going to be a banner year. No real support from some of these guys, countering my suggestions constantly, no help for CJ17 from the Scouters who said they wanted to go, not replying to communications already too. Gree told me as well that he was leaving and would only help in a very part-time capacity, he was gone before September was done. And now a near fistfight!

Right after, I contacted my Area Commissioner, Scouter Milwaukee. This is the content (with timestamp):

4 October 2016 at 21:32

Tonight's planning meeting was less than stellar.

I think we need someone from Area or Council, not sure where this exactly falls, to come and explain to all the Scouters (including me) what is expected of us by Scouts Canada and what our responsibility is to the youth. It will need to be on a Wednesday night.



Twelve hours later I sent her another email (sensitive information will be redacted and names changed to protect the treacherous and apathetic, even the occasional innocent):

5 October 2016 at 09:28

I have come to a difficult decision.

I will be stepping down as Troop Scouter for the ⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹ Scout Troop Section.

It has become evident that several parties within the Troop are dissatisfied with my overall leadership as Troop Scouter. In fact, to my shame and embarrassment, I have lost control of the Scouter Team.

I will remain with the Troop as a Scouter, unless the new Troop Scouter feels that my remaining would be an obstacle or burden. If that becomes the case, I will seek a position with another Group.

The transition should be made as soon as possible, so that the new Troop Scouter can keep the Troop running smoothly and efficiently.

As I am stepping down from the position of Troop Scouter, I can no longer vouch for the ⎹⎹⎹ Troop's intent to host or organise several Area events that I, as Troop Scouter, declared intent to take on.  Those events include: Klondike Derby; Scout Trucks; Outdoor Skills Training. I would like to retract the offer, but the new Troop Scouter may very well want to carry on with them. However, it is no longer my decision.

I am sure there will be great relief within Troop for the change.

I do not want to influence the selection of the new Troop Scouter, but I would like to put forward my recommendation.

The new Troop Scouter should either be Scouter Jar Jar or Scouter Palpatine.

Both Jar Jar and Palpatine have a great many ideas on what Troop should be doing and how it should be done.

I ask for only two things. First, that I am allowed to maintain Scoutstracker for Troop. Second, I would appreciate if I could make the announcement to the Section (Scouts, parents, and Scouters) and Group of my stepping down and then the appointment of the new Troop Scouter as my last official acts. Please let me know when I can make these announcements.

I would like to thank you for all the guidance, support, and advice you, as our Group Commissioner and Area Commissioner, have given to me as Troop Scouter and look forward to further amicable relations.

I await your response.

We talked on the phone and not much was really resolved at that time; she was out of town. I continued to organise various activities and such. One was actually offered by Gree, teaching the youth about allergies and epi-pens. Jar Jar opposed it, quite vehemently and offered games as a replacement for those that would opt out?!?!? No one opted out, not even his kid. This was his countering anything I was supportive of. What an ass clown.

This is also when I started to be left off of email communication. The wife and the boy were still getting them and they kept forwarding them to me. To her credit, Milwaukee asked if I thought it was deliberate. Some, at the time, like Pong Krell, I said no, but Palpatine, definitely yes. However, looking back, accidental or not, it kept happening so I think I was left off deliberately every time to make a point.

19 October 2016 at 13:17

Hi Rick, 
I noticed that you weren't copied on the below email. Is that intentional? Has there been any updates to where we left things a few weeks ago before I left town? I am back now and happy to talk if you need to provide an update. 
Copying in "the wife" because she brought to my attention that you weren't copied on a different group email. 



My response:

19 October 2016 at 14:21

The one from Pong Krell appears to be accidental. 

The one "the wife" forwarded to you, was from Palpatine for an activity he organised at his woodlot last Sunday. I believe I was left off of that one intentionally. However, that is just my speculation. There was no actual discussion about this event, except Palpatine's stated intent to run it. I had offered to help make ratio in an earlier email and then it went dark on me.

I have not informed anyone else about by decision to step down, except of course you and "the wife", as I already mentioned to you. However, tensions seem to be increasing between myself and some of the other Scouters. Even though I am doing my best to be accommodating and all inclusive. It has become obvious that some of the Scouters are just doing their own thing and do not care that my being Troop Scouter makes me responsible for everything we do.

You asked me to keep quiet and plug on as Troop Scouter for now. I have to ask, when can I announce my stepping down? If I cannot operate in the position of Troop Scouter, with the authority it should have, then I honestly do not want the liability of the position hanging over my head.

As a caveat, if I am to remain as Troop Scouter for any extended duration, the situation needs to change.

However, ultimately my goal is for the Scouts currently under my charge (and all Scouts in general) to be safe, have a great program, and to have fun. 



In the meantime, the canoe mini-camp fell apart. It rained on the Friday so they cancelled the first evening without consulting the youth. So much for Youth Led, not to mention Be Prepared. They canoed for a a couple of hours on Saturday, I left because I did not agree with the delivery. An attempt at organising a food drive in the community crashed and burned. 

A meeting was held about my stepping down, overseen by AC Milwaukee on Sunday 06 November 2016. I was to step down the following Wednesday 09 November 2016. It was also our Remembrance Day ceremony, always held on the Wednesday on or before November 11th. pretty much the last major thing I organised. At that same meeting it was revealed to the Scouters in the Troop that Palpatine would become the Group Commissioner (GC), but would officially be announced at a later date. The lack of transparency of all this really surprised me. I later found out that he was appointed even with recommendations to the contrary.

Hey a few things said right after I said was stepping down in three days:

Palpatine suggested we hold an election for the new Troop Scouter. Whatever?!?

Pong Krell thanked me for what I had done until then. No, no, thank-you.

Jar Jar said he did not want to be Troop Scouter and was bored at the meetings. Bite me ass clown.

Palpatine said we were too old school as a Troop, it can all be fixed with the Canadian Path. That we talk to them like fathers and speak to, not with youth. Really? I must have missed all that. I said nothing, I think Milwaukee gave him a funny look, what an ass clown.

Jar jar said he wanted to get meetings back on track so the youth can have fun again. Really? I did not know they were having an awful time. Maybe if he actually did something, that might help.

Palpatine wanted to schedule extra meetings for the Scouts for planning purposes. What a great idea, I wish I thought of it. Wait, I did. I even tried several times to no avail and no help from him. Ass clown.

Jar Jar wants our Troop to go to CJ17, but only with our Group, no other Scout Groups. What? This guy kept going on about doing events with other Troops. I will address the CJ17 thing shortly.

Palapatine and Jar Jar want structure to meetings. Okay, sure, I guess it was a free for all up until now? Have at it boys.

Pong Krell said "we", which is basically me, email too much. Ha! He was selected the point of contact. Good luck sending one email a week and getting things done.

In the end it was decided to run the Troop by committee, something that just never worked very well in this Group. And somewhat ironic on how the Group's new GC Palpatine's "leadership" of the Group evolved. Dictatorial ass clown.

So, I bet these ass clowns did not know I wrote all that down.

So, Jar Jar's comment about going to CJ17 alone, was directed to the fact that I could only get four Scouts and two Scouters confirmed to go to CJ17 initially. A group that wanted to attend needed at least five Scouts. At an Area meeting a great Scouter from another Group offered to tag us on to his bunch. At the time it was the only way we were going to get to CJ17. Of course Jar Jar was counter to it because I supported it.

So, after that Wednesday, I tried to stay in the background as much as possible, working on those who signed on, to get to CJ17 with the other Group, helping the boy work on his Chief Scout's Award as he was the only one trying now, and some background administration that got harder and harder to complete as I was just not getting the information needed from the triumvirate of the ass clowns. I also was as cooperative as I could be. Although I am sure other will not agree. To that I say: Bite me!

This was my announcement:

9 November 2016 at 20:59

Good Evening Everyone:

Following up on my conversation with the Scouts at tonight's meeting, this is to inform everyone that going forward, I will no longer be Troop Scouter for the ⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹ Scout Troop. However, I will remain with Troop as a Scouter.

It has been decided that this is for the good of the Troop. The Troop will currently be managed by the Troop's Scouter Team and they have a great many ideas on what Troop should be doing and how it should be done.

As Scouts is Youth Led, there should be no apparent change in operations.

I would like to thank everyone for their friendship and support of the last six plus years. I look forward to continue interacting with all of you on this great Scouting journey.

I remain your humble servant,

Yours In Scouting,

Richard (Rusty, Kaa, RKR) Kaminski
⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹⎹ Scout Troop

P.S. Sausages! (This was our unofficial, fun motto.)

Palpatine was actually officially appointed on 8 November 2016, the day before I stepped down, but several of us did not get the original email. I got the official notice six days later. I find that really funny.

So, while working with the other Group we latched on to for CJ17, our own Group for CJ17 grew. To six Scouts and two Scouters, although Palpatine was going as a support Scouter for the Jamboree. As you will soon learn, Jar Jar, who's son was part of our contingent, could not wait to provoke me. But in the meantime things began to disintegrate. Major events kept getting postponed and often cancelled. Not much was happening at the meetings, really a lot of playing manhunt and sitting around talking in circles, because Palpatine was firm with Youth Led meaning we as Scouters do nothing and allow them to fail miserably by deliberately not mentoring. I had somewhat had it and sent something out to all the Scouters in Troop, the GC, and AC:

15 December 2016 at 12:37

Hello All:

I am sending this out to all Scouters in Troop, the Group's "Key Three", and our Area Commissioner.

I am also sending this not just as a Scouter, but also as a parent.

I am disappointed with the result of last night's meeting and the path we have been on recently.

I have expressed my views about "Manhunt" the game to the Scouters in Troop before, so I will keep this brief. Manhunt is not a game for regular meetings, nor is playing other non-constructive games for 30 minutes or longer during our meeting nights. As a Troop we have a great opportunity to teach these youth outdoor skills, citizenship, and more.

If they want to play games like that, then they could come before the meeting and engage in such activities.

Also, yes Scouting is Youth-led. However, when they are wasting great amounts of time, such as "planning" next week's Christmas Party, we need to keep them on track and moving forward. If not, how will they learn to make efficient use of their time and not concentrate on irrelevant minutia?

I spent the greater part of my day yesterday setting up a couple of "Go Bags" to demonstrate to the Scouts about having a pack they could have ready to take at a moment's notice. They expressed interest in such an activity and I promised to follow through. Alas, the bulk of yesterday's meeting time was wasted and we could not engage in this endeavour. I also feel I wasted my time prepping this activity.

Finally, my son's gloves were stolen at yesterday's meeting. There is no doubt in this. This leaves me less than impressed. Before any one asks, there is no way they could have been dropped or mislaid by "the boy". Perhaps it was some kind of prank? "The boy" and myself are not laughing. It was a mean, malicious, and criminal act.

We, as Scouters and parents, need to step up and do more to make the youths' time more constructive and valuable. In addition, we obviously need to teach them about social interaction and appropriate behaviour.

These are just my thoughts and opinions. You do not have to agree with me, nor even like me. However, if we want to pursue a "Lord of the Flies" program, I will need to review my role in this Troop and Group.

Sincerely and Yours In Scouting,

Richard Kaminski

I was pretty pissed off. And yes, the boy's gloves were stolen, perhaps thrown out, but we could not find them in the trash. I am pretty sure who did it, but I will never reveal it now. These types of things happened previously. There was a bully in the Troop who had made the rounds through the guys. It was blown off by certain parties as a "boys will be boys" bunch of horse-shit. Anyway, there were some responses:

15 December 2016 at 20:01

Evening Rick and the rest of the Leadership Group.

Sorry to hear that you felt the meeting last night was not productive.

From my perspective it was a good meeting with several accomplishments;

·        The troop gained some more perspective on the troop leadership concept and exercised some of the skills, including specific information about the role of troop leader, and patrol leaders.
·        We reviewed the plan, do, review concepts.
·        We did the program review piece and wove in elements of the Canadian Path as well as the 6 program areas.
·        Winter camp was discussed and preparation issues were noted.
·        The troop nominated note takers to keep track of their own initiatives.
·        Future meetings were discussed and voted on, including an Aboriginal Craft talk from an Akwesasne individual from the Cornwall area whom has volunteered.  ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽’s idea for a winter outing to see the Mudpuppies on a Friday evening was also approved by Troop.(never happened)
·        ⍽⍽⍽⍽ got up and spoke to troop and shared some thoughts and helped to clarify interest in pioneering activities (which is a major leadership milestone for this individual) (uh, yeah, are you new? this guy was never shy to speak in front of everyone)
·        The Christmas Party participation was planned out by troop in conjunction with linking with the other sections. Yes this likely took too long, but it was also the first session of planning from a very inexperienced crew and a constructive session of Plan/Do/Review will help them to gain some more perspective on the process. (they spent about thirty minutes talking about what songs to play and no one brought music to the party in the end)

Transitioning the troop to a full understanding of their own roles in troop, and their responsibility for the program is going to take some time and I fully expect it will be painful to witness at times. Like nearly everything else we try to teach our children. (wait, did he use the word teach? he's a witch!)

I hear your thoughts on Manhunt and don’t entirely disagree, but it’s not our program, it’s the troops. As long as they are safe and enjoying themselves we don’t always need to put our own narrative on the choices they may make. The best way to move beyond that particular activity is A) Plan/Do/Review within troop and B) the troop can bring other ideas to troop for games and steam burning activities. For example ⍽⍽⍽ had an activity to suggest, but did not come prepared with the props required, and I think will likely do so for future meetings. (yeah, he never did)

I think we all brought activities for the night last night, I had a canoe instruction film to share, you had your go packs, etc. Again, we need to defer our input to the youth and allow them the room to make mistakes, and the responsibility for their participation. I’m going to hang onto my activity for a night when there is room on the agenda, and I hope you will as well. (I never showed them the go bags)

Also sorry to hear about "the boy's" gloves, that is most unfortunate. Hopefully they were inadvertently taken and will show up next week. With so many folks having access to the coat room I don’t feel confident making any assignments of blame for their loss, although I understand "the boy" being very upset. (see below)


Pong Krell

Another response:

15 December 2016 at 23:44


Sorry to hear about "the boy's" gloves. This might be something to discuss with the Scout Leadership Team. I agree with Pong Krill otherwise. It's a bit of a rough start but we need to let the scouts take ownership of their program. 


So in the end, nothing was done to follow up or change things in any way. More time was wasted. As to Pong Krell saying the boy was upset. Luckily, he did not say that in my presence, he would most likely have become a permanent part of the wall. At no point was it said that he was upset. Upset implies something different and in the manner he used it, unpalatable like the boy did something wrong. Like he was in tears and very immature about it and throwing a fit. He was unimpressed and pissed off, someone stole his stuff. I thought I made it somewhat clear. And Palpatine, at no time for the remainder of the year did I see anyone successfully take ownership, Scout or Scouter. When anyone tried, the triumvirate or less caring Scouts pretty much shut it down or disrupted it in some way. Good on you guys for standing firm on the point of Youth Led. Ass clowns.

There was one more response from Jar Jar. I still do not really get it. I do not think he did either:

19 December 2016 at 11:49

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory. 


Not really appropriate in the context of what I was getting at. It almost translates as: so what if they crash and burn every time. At least they tried, sort of. Ass clown.

My response and not surprisingly where this thread died:

19 December 2016 at 11:57

"My cat's name is mittens."

--Ralph Wiggum, The Simpsons

I do not think anything else would have been more appropriate.

We reached a point in our planning for CJ17 where we had to start submitting funds to secure our place. The way our banking works, we can only accept cash, money order, or cheque as payment. Just like we can normally only pay by cheque, as cash payment requires advance notice and explanation. We cannot take any form of electronic payment, to our Scout Group bank account or  personally. This was made clear on more than one occasion. However, Jar Jar being Jar Jar, sent me an e-payment to my private back account without informing me beforehand. Just like when he would be told we needed hard copies of documents and he would email them. Somehow, he must have thought I was a Staples or Kinkos. Now he thought I was I clearing house for banking too. I sent him an email and included our muckity-mucks at the top, about the attempted deposit to my account:

29 December 2016 at 18:56

Can someone explain to Jar Jar that our Group is unable to operate on an e-banking level? Sending me the funds personally, is:

1. Not a prudent method.
2. A lot of work for me and will cost me fees.

I believe our inability to operate in this manner has been explained previously.

I will not be accepting these monies.



Jar Jar:

29 December 2016 at 19:13

Hi Richard;

Thanks for this. I am out of town tomorrow filming and wanted to ensure I made your deadline of January 30th.

I don’t think anyone else needs to weigh in as you have made your opinion known. I will drop off a cheque Saturday morning.

Happy New Year to you.

He had a lot of time to organise this, so boo-hoo. Ass clown. There was a pointless email or two about looking in to e-banking, which cannot be done. Then Jar Jar dropped this on me, and me only:

30 December 2016 at 05:43

If you have a problem with me Rick, I suggest we sit down and hash things out before I send my kid off to camp with you.
As far as I knew, ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ was running the show, and you were collecting the money as more of a personal favour/scouting spirit.

There is really no reason why the money needs to be funnelled through ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ Scouts right?

Wow!? Strong words. First, he implies I will attempt to harm his son. Holy fudge!!! Then, he seems to imply I may be skimming money?!?!? Double Fudge! Ass clown.

My response:

30 December 2016 at 08:34

Our portion of the contingent is independently registered. Officially, we are only associated with ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ for purposes of camping with each other during CJ17. Therefore, ⍽⍽⍽ Scouts is the communication point for PU⍽⍽⍽⍽, our Patrol Unit designation, as well as the ones who cut the cheques for registration for CJ17. We are associated with ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽, as initially we were not going to have enough Scouts for our own Contingent, as well as to benefit from their advanced stage of planning and experience with Jamborees in general.

As to your first query, I think it is you who has a problem with me. Your open hostility and attempts to provoke me go beyond any hatred I have received from anyone in my entire life. 

If you think how you treat me would affect how I would treat Jar Jar Junior, then you do not know me at all. I do not let the poor behaviour of a parent affect my relationship with a child in my care. If I did, I would not have been able to work with youth for the last thirty years.



I also forwarded Jar Jar's above email to GC Palpatine and AC Milwaukee with my own concerns:

30 December 2016 at 08:48

Please read Jar Jar's email to me. See below. (two emails above)

I do not know how to respond to this.

As to our involvement in CJ17, Jar Jar obviously does not have any interest in reviewing past communications or attending meetings and is misinformed about our role and the process involved.

As to his implication on how I would treat his son due to his relationship with me, I am aghast and  cannot respond with words that would not inflame his opinion of me.

Sorry to drop this on you just before New Year's.



Palpatine's "wise words" of response, with the subject line: decorum please

30 December 2016 at 09:10

Hey Guys,

Just a suggestion if I may, before you send anything negative in writing please give it a 24 hour test or cooling off period and think it over again before sending.

I do that all the time and it works wonders.(not so sure about that Palpy ol' buddy)

Happy New Year.

"Hey guys"? How so very professional. Jar Jar is the one who freaked out, but I get censured as well? How so very professional. That is where it ended. Ass clown.

Things limped along from there some, events happened, some never came to fruition. No real Youth Led planning or execution ever really happened. They did manage a canoe camp in June, but only really because another Troop invited them on their very well organised trip. I was out by then and the boy was not pursuing any activities with this group any longer.

But wait, some really big stuff happened in April 2016. This is where GC Palpatine really sunk his teeth in to his agenda and revealed his true self. Well, I have probably gone on long enough today. I am also curious if anyone will contact me. I know Palpatine and Pong Krell monitor me through my Google+ account. Maybe Scouter Palpatine believes he has let out enough rope for me to hang myself. Maybe he wants me to wrap it around my neck an extra time before he yanks on it. Well, I still have more to say, so until tomorrow. And remember: Youth Led! blbbl