
search the rooster

Monday, September 04, 2017

more outdoor skills for the boy

So, the boy has developed very good outdoor skills. Commonly known as bushcraft or woodcraft. He can set himself up quite well in many "wild" locations here in Ontario and similar environs. He has good firecraft skills, shelter making, can cook (when he wants to), and many other woodcraft skills.

He also is fairly adept at medieval martial art (MMA) skills, particularly liking pole-axe and dagger, but is no slouch with a long sword. He has taken up the longbow, something he intends to pursue for some time. He does have his own bow in fact. So, his "martial" skills are developing as well.

He has long had an interest in learning to shoot. So, today we went to my "club" which has a legally sanctioned range and I took him shooting. He tried his hand at rifle, shotgun, and pistol. He has a natural ability. He just needs to sharpen his skills. He needs to learn to better steady his hand and control his breathing, but he showed better skill than some I know who have been shooting for a long time in just his first visit. His training in MMA and the bow probably did not hurt.

He is even interested in hunting, not to mention fishing. Not sport hunting. He and I see no need for the pursuit of only trophies. He would like to learn what closely resembles subsistence hunting: hunting to eat. He knows that meat and fish do not come from a factory, but from animals that are harvested for human consumption. Yes, we know most meat and fish are processed in an assembly line fashion. That is one reason he and I are keen on securing our own meat for the dinner table. It is just better for you.

He is some ways off yet to just go out in the bush and bring back the main course for supper, but there is a hunter apprenticeship program in Ontario to help nurture the skills required. It is supported by the government of Ontario and several conservancy and hunter education groups. It is intended to enrol him in this program in short order and work towards developing the skills necessary to become a competent hunter. I still need to look in to how to go about all of this, but hopefully he will shortly be seeking and receiving tutelage from competent instructors to expand his skills outdoors and enhance his experiences. It is great that he wants to take advantage of these opportunities to be in the great outdoors. I wish I had the same drive when I was his age. blbbl

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