
search the rooster

Sunday, January 15, 2017

robbie burns supper

Yesterday evening I attended a Robert Burns Supper to commemorate The Bard's life. Robert Burns is a favourite son of Scotland. The suppers can be held any time, but are normally held on or around his birthday of the 25th of January, even though the very first supper held was to commemorate his passing from this world at the age of thirty-seven. He had various careers, but he is best known for his writings.

The suppers can be held by various groups or private individuals, but are often hosted by a Masonic Lodge or Scottish Society. The suppers are also often a means of fundraising for various causes. The ones I have been attending over past years, including last night's, have been hosted by a local Lodge. It is always a good time. For those that are inclined, there is usually a sampling of of Scotches and Ports. There are also opportunities to sample modern concoctions of atholl brose and grog. For the supper there are several courses including various Scottish dishes such as scotch egg and haggis.

Some dinners, such as these ones, sometimes have raffles and door prizes. At every dinner I have attended to date, I have won one or more prizes. Normally scotch whisky, port, or wine. However, this year there were no such high-octane prizes, but last evening's is probably the best I have ever garnered.

As I approached the prize table, all of which were donated, I saw what I wanted. There was quite a selection. The were knives and other manly items. I have knives and manly items, but the first item that caught my eye was a bowl. A beautifully hand turned wooden bowl. I snatched it right quick, amazed that it had not already been taken. I was very pleased. Shortly afterwards, the person who made the bowl came to tell me about it. It was made that very same day from fresh beech. I was told to place it in a paper bag for about a month to help it cure and that it would actually change shape. It would change from a circular to a more oblong shape. I thought that was fantastic. I get to enjoy the final evolution of this artistic creation. The creator of this magnificent item also signed it. A true work of art and I will always remember who created it.

my beautiful bowl

If you ever have the opportunity to attend a Burns Supper, you should, it is always a grand time. Many are gentlemen only as per original tradition, but there are many that have opened their doors to the fairer amongst us. You never know, you may end up with a beautiful work of art. blbbl

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