I often find myself with something to do, somewhere to be, or somewhere to go at a particular time. I will look at my watch and know I cannot get any other task done in the intervening time because there is just not enough time.
Or it will require too much clean-up for me or my work area when done. So, again, not enough time.
Why not just do something else that requires less time? Well, often, by the time I think of it, I have even less time.
I used to keep an extensive notebook of tasks, things, lists, blah, blah, blah... Something I actually learnt from my father. I still have his little Hilroy pocket ring-binder. However, for unknown reasons, I fell out of the practice. I have tried to use notepad software on my phone and tablet, and electronic calendars. Forget it, I forget to check it. Calendar reminders get ignored or not even heard.
the old man's hilroy binder
I have started up a notebook for ideas for this blog. I sometimes forget to bring it with me when I am out and about, so more work to be done there. I will need to break it into sections and set up my "to do" lists in it. I should put that on my to do list.
The great thing about a book for this kind of stuff though, is it lends itself to old daytimers, notebooks started out in other projects that are completed or abandoned, and the like. So, no shortage of notebooks. Everybody should be doing it.
a a freebie daytimer I got that started out as a notebook when i worked for a cable company and now use for blog ideas
In fact, this is one thing, of many, that I have passed on to the Scouts I have worked with. Keep a notebook (and writing implement) on yourself all the time. You can jot down ideas, questions that need to be answered later, take notes, have information for reference, and of course, reminders of tasks that need doing.
So, I am working on keeping a notebook. I have to retrain myself to keep it handy all the time and check it frequently. However, that still will not fix those orphaned time intervals that are too short for my priorities. Being a procrastinator does not help either.
So, there you go, I need to kick myself in the ass. It is time to adopt those orphans. Something the wife used to do for me, was set a timer and send me off to do something that was pretty easy to start and stop at will. Like clean-up my crap in the basement and garage. Maybe that is a good place to start training, and get tidy too.
It may get me spurred to start my, hopefully, daily hikes in a local forest here that is on crown land. You see, my plan was: wake up super early, do a few small tasks, then get out to the forest, hike around, get home, do my thing(s), and get a bunch of tasks done around the house.
Not that ambitious I think. So, I have to resolve here and now. I will organise myself. Keep notes of what is going on and needs to get gone. Get outdoors in the bush regularly; it is where I really like to be. Get my crap cleaned up and sorted at home and get tasks completed. This really is just everyday living. It is those darned time orphans that need to be taken charge of. I wonder if they are related to the drawfs that move my stuff around when I am not looking. At least they do not dare touch my notebooks. Now, keys, that is different story.
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