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Monday, October 02, 2017

the one that got away - why do we forget stuff?

I had two ideas for a post today. The first one I thought of yesterday, then it escaped me. This morning I remembered it, while I was getting up, but then it again escaped me. This afternoon while I was going off for an appointment, I thought of something else, then it too escaped me. Why is that?

Other than dates, and sometimes names, I generally have a very good memory. I went through a spell where my memory was really crappy. I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), no one believed me really, but I knew that that is what is was.

Barring all that, I tend to have a mind like a steel trap. Well, I used to I guess. I find, at times it harder and harder to keep track of fleeting thoughts that I want to get back to. I used to keep a notebook to record various information. I got away from it, then I have tried over the last nine months or so to reinitiate that habit, but with poor results. I forget to take my notebook with me. The forgetting thing gets in the way of my trying to do an end-run around the forgetting thing. Somewhat ironic, I guess.

I still can often easily recall obscure facts that I have read or learnt about, from even long before the CFS, and after I recovered. I remember conversations and activities I have been a part of, for the most part, similarly to my recall of odd facts.

So, why can I not remember to bring a notebook with me everywhere and write in it when I want to go back to the thought later; let alone just being able to recall it in the first place? Is it age? Is it poor diet? Is it bad sleeping habits? Stress? Is it some odd lingering effects of CFS that fades in and out? Is it all of it to varying degrees? Some friends and I used to joke about being forgetful and that we should take ginkgo biloba (it allegedly enhancing memory), but how would we remember to take it?

See, I can recall that passing conversation from many years ago without difficulty, but try to remember the idea I had yesterday afternoon and again this morning, and I roll snake eyes. Do I need to work at improving my memory? 
A quick look online at some information about improving memory, may indicate that I do need to work on it. Some of the more pertinent points I meet easily, some I do not.

One should laugh. Okay. I think I laugh quite a bit and I think I have a pretty good sense of humour, although it can be quite dark and filled with sarcasm. I still laugh though. A lot.

One should hang out with friends. Maybe that could use some work. I am not the kind of person that has hundreds or even dozens of friends. I have plenty of acquaintances, but friends? Extremely close friends maybe three or four. Very close friends, again, maybe three or four more. Very good friends, a dozen...and a half, maybe. Good friends, the same, maybe less. Friends, sure a bunch. The rest, just acquaintances or friends in particular situations, I guess one-off situation specific buddies. Okay, I will work on that one.

One should be physically active. I am fairly active. It goes up and down like most people. I am now engaged in several activities that keep me moving and exerting. I think I am fine there, generally speaking.

One should engage in mental workouts. Well, I am reading a lot again. Not just fiction, but also non-fiction. I like to learn facts, especially weird and unusual ones. It is suggested to learn new skills or engage in something that is scalable in difficulty. Well, I have always wanted to be able to play an instrument and apparently learning new musical arrangements offers constant mental challenge. Maybe, in addition to my increasingly voracious reading, I should learn the harmonica.

On the matter of sleep. Apparently, virtually all adults need between seven-and-a-half to nine hours of sleep every night and should go to bed at the same time every time. Okay, I fail there. I often get four to six hours nightly and go to bed all over the map. My new daytime routine may assist in forcing me to keep regular hours for all that. I will strive to improve that, if possible for an insomniac and nighthawk like myself.

On diet. There is so much blather about diet, much of it can be quite contradictory. Other than my love of crispy pork fat and starches, potato chips being a particular weakness at times, I am pretty good.  I do intend to research "diet" once again. It is something that I have studied many times over many years, and to be honest, it seems that at about eighteen month intervals everything changes, often contradicting the previous wisdom. I will go back to my research in this area. Maybe it will give me a mental workout?

Now, here is a biggie: stress. I can be a pretty stressed out person. I go up and down with that. Some of it is my doing, some from external sources. However, ultimately, stress should be self-controllable. Yes, often there are major asses out there that make it hard for a person to destress, but barring that, much stress is often brought upon oneself, at least in my case. This is definitely something I need to work on. Meditation is an option. I am sure I have mentioned my desire to pursue meditation formally. Well, I guess if I want to improve my memory, I will need to put my money where my mouth is.

So, here is the tough part, I want to not have memory difficulties. There are things I can do to help improve them. I also have "tricks" I have used in the past. Yet, I need to remember all of this and remember to follow through to improve my memory. Is it irony or is it a contradiction in terms? I do not remember. blbbl

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