I had an epiphany today while taking the boy to his archery lesson tonight.
He was born out of time. His character and many of his interests are medieval. At least of an earlier time.
He is in to HEMA, following the Liechtenauer System (approx. 1350-1600). Basically, the original MMA: Medieval Martial Arts. His favourites are pollaxe, dagger, and of course the longsword. He also wants to get in to the war hammer.
He was always into archery and is now taking lessons using a recurve bow.
He loves animals, truly loves animals. Not the I want a dog and ignore it in the corner type of deal. More like you would see in movies like Ladyhawke. I mentioned about my getting in to falconry. He will more likely follow through on it than I will.
His sense of right and wrong also does not jive with this day and age. He is not a man of this era.
Most every adult that meets him is impressed by his attitude and demeanour. They are surprised by his outlook on this modern world and his (usual) maturity.
Other than the hard living, short lifespan, and all the disease and war, I am sure he would be at home living 700 to 400 years ago. Maybe even in spite of all the not so plus points to consider.
It also made me think of myself. I believe that I was born out of time as well. Not as far back as the boy.
More 19th century. I would be right at home in the late 1800s being one of those "gentleman" living off the good graces, and a stipend, of a tolerant and independently wealthy aunt or a bemused dowager looking for a project.
When I read Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome in St. Petersburg, Russia, I felt right at home in the story. Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest leaves me with the same warm fuzzy feelings. Although that story is less relaxed than the former.
I am not saying I want to be a kept man, beholden to someone else. However, it does have its charms. That is a whole other post though.
So, in essence, it appears the boy and I are time travellers. I have a mentality and outlook that takes me back over a hundred years and the boy's takes him back more than 400. How far back will his son or daughter travel with their disposition? Who knows: 600 years? 900? If this keeps up, my family's bloodline will end up in the stone age! (Some people may say it already does.)
Holy jumpin'!
Backward time travel is possible, just not how we envisioned it. blbbl
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