
search the rooster

Thursday, May 11, 2017

clean up aisle three

So, posting from phone again. Still cannot add pics. Will do that from notebook after.

Went to the Cedar Grove Trail today and before my hike cleaned up the parking lot and the start of the trail.

Surprisingly, it only took a little over thirty minutes. I am sure there is still more detritus under all the leaves and deadfall, but I am only one man.

I filled up two huge garbage bags that were left over from the cleanup with the Kemptville Scout Troop. I would say it is at least sixty or seventy pounds between the two.

a heck of a lot of garbage

There was all kinds of stuff. Cups galore, rags, clothing (?), a bunch of used diapers, some bottles (plastic and glass), a muffin pan, half a rice cooker, bags, wound dressings and more. Someone did take the beer cans though. Thanks!

Reflecting on some of the items, I hope I did not clean up a crime scene. (°.°)

While picking up the trash, I opened the truck windows and cranked the stereo. It was oddly relaxing. When I was done, I grabbed my stave and went for an easy, slow hike: 5kmh (3 mph). It was really quiet today. Just a little bit of bird song, but it was really clouded over. Like dull metal, but it did not rain thankfully.

Got home and put the bags at the curb. Hopefully, the waste disposal guys take it tomorrow. Pretty grody looking as it is clear bags and heavy.

I cannot wait til tomorrow to see what new treats may be awaiting me in the parking lot. blbbl

all cleaned up and ready for the next batch of trail trash people

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