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Friday, May 19, 2017

hiking app - map my tracks

As you well know, I have started using a new app to track my hikes. As of today, I have been using it for two weeks. I am not in to all the bells and whistles. I just really want to track my distances, speed, and where and when I am hiking. 

One interesting side effect. The app is not unlike social media. One can comment and follow and link with others. The most fascinating part for me of that whole bit is the "Leaderboard". It compares you to everyone who uses the app and posts their activities publicly. You can also compare yourself to others in the same category.

When I first started, I was of course at the very bottom. After a week, in the compare all category I was 937 for the rolling month and 389 for the rolling week. After two weeks, 589 for the month and 325 for the week.

Hiking, after the first week I was 14 overall and for the week I was 3.  After two weeks, I am 5 for the month and still 3 for the week. This is 14 days in using the app. It is interesting to see how one compares to others involved in the same pursuits. I am surprised at some of the jumps. I hike only around 4 or 5 kliks a day. Today, I was restless and went for a second. I was also trying to avoid the hundreds of wasps and a few psychotic bees hanging out at the back of the property where my vegetable garden is.

It really is not super important to me. Yet, it spurs one on to excel as well. I am still learning how to get the most out of the app and I have yet to find out if I can use it to upload my mapping of the trail for others to use in Google Maps or the like. I would really like to be able to do that, as I have mentioned before, there are no decent maps online of that trail. I have had to make my own before for Emergency Plans for Scout hikes on the trail. It would be good if groups like Scouts, Guides, and the like, who may need a map of the trail for a hike could have it at their fingertips.

Anyway, I like the app well enough for what I really want it for. I can also keep my stuff private, but I see no reason to hide my hikes and outdoor pursuits. You can check out my profile: sparkyca, if you like. The main page is: (it is a bit slow though). I know it is available in the Google Play Store as Map My Tracks Cycling Run Walk (by Tinderhouse) and is supposed to be available at Apple's App Store. There may better apps, and I know there a lot of apps that do the same thing, but I found this one based on reviews stating it was a good replacement for Google My Tracks after the "Big G" dumped it.

Anyway, if all goes well tomorrow, my monthly standing will bump to 4 overall and my weekly standing will hit 2. Not that that is important to me, but it is fun to see improvement. I may try to beat my personal best tomorrow too. The trail is mostly dried out and it is supposed to rain by Sunday, so I want to give it another try. 

I am so excited, I hope I can sleep tonight. blbbl

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