
search the rooster

Saturday, July 15, 2017

cj - day seven - the penultimate day

The day began with "Water Olympics". Actually not a lot of water, but fun activities.

Those balls you wear and bash each other about. Even bigger​ balls to roll around in. Slippy slide, that was where the water was. Good thing too, a hot sunny day. And a whole bunch more.

Lunch on the move and we were going to hoof it a fair distance to our afternoon activity, but one of our Scouters, from Cape Breton, wrangled us a free bus ride.

Unfortunately, when we got to the activity, which was an obstacle course and maze, we learned of an incompatibility issue with the scheduling that created a conflict. We hoofed it back to the plaza and sampled the various drop-in activities. We probably had more fun anyway, plus we got pizza.

The evening was fairly uneventful. I went for a stroll to try to trade some t-shirts, unsuccessfully by the way. When I got back it was like a swap meet at our site and the fiddle player was back. A lot of camaraderie.

Some more sorting of gear. Some tea and snacks. Some chitchat. Early night and looking forward to our journey home the next day. blbbl

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