
search the rooster

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

google - the donald trump of the electronic information highway?

So, I have been blogging, every day, for just over six months. A week-and-a-half ago, I was eligible to apply to run ads through Google AdSense. However, I was at the Canadian National Scout Jamboree so put it off until I returned.

I applied last night and everything looked alright. This morning I get an email from Google's Servant Bots with a very different outlook from mine. Well, they basically told me I was not verbose enough at this time to qualify. What a bunch of stuck-up assclowns. 

Sorry, but give me a break. They make money off the backs of just about everyone in the free, and even not-so-free, world who surfs the interweb. I am asking to help make them money. Of course I would get my pittance, but it may help offset some costs for me running this thing. And, hey! Maybe it could lead to some cash in my pocket. Probably not, but the Rooster and I can dream.

I still have to follow some of their links that their bots sent me and see how and if I can become verbose enough for them so I can help them get richer so they can buy up Walmart, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Windsor Palace.

In the meantime it has somewhat knocked the wind out of my sails and this is all you get today. You can thank the Google Nation: a bunch of condescending, arrogant, stuck-up, self-serving, full of shizzle numbskulls. Of course, if I get accepted, just kidding. See ya on the flip side. blbbl

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