It was pretty cool. We went to the Sunday afternoon presentation which left from the Supreme Court of Canada. There was a giant spider, named Kumo, and a giant dragon-horse, named Long Ma.
Seeing them and being part of the experience was great. However, it also reminded me of why I do not like (big) cities in Canada, particularly Ottawa. People are oblivious to their surroundings and other people. They do not move out of the way, but will step in front of you when you get a spot to see the action. Basically, they are passively rude, inconsiderate, and selfish. I have noticed too that Canadians, who are world famous for being polite and kind and are also known for being neat and tidy and not being litterbugs, are in fact becoming the stereotypical "Ugly American" or "Rude British Tourist" in their own backyard. I find our English speaking cousins from across the pond and down South to be more akin to what we boast about ourselves globally.
Quite a turn of the tables. I myself and my family and the vast majority of my friends and relations still aspire to live up to our international reputations, but many of my fellow citizens truly lack any considerations. I see it here everywhere in Canada I have been and unfortunately, internationally as well. I will not go in to the theories as to why that may be. Except to say that as our global village becomes cosier and cosier, we are losing our compassionate and considerate qualities. Call me names if you like for that mild statement. I can take it. I have been called a fascist and stalinist for my observations in the past, in addition to many other, non-repeatable in print, names. I have one thing to say to that: Bite me!
Anyway, back to Kumo and Long Ma. What a fantastic event. We saw them wake up and move off to wander the town. We decided not to follow them as there there were so many people and it was difficult to move about. We bisected the crowds at angles and made our way through the masses and had a nice walk back to Chinatown where we parked and did a little bit of shopping and then went out to dinner.
In spite of it all, we all had a great time. If you ever get the chance to see this, make haste and be a part of it. Bring water, snacks, sunscreen, and some kind of photo taking device. You will not regret it. blbbl

i just thought this sign was funny and demeaning at the same time
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