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Saturday, August 26, 2017

new tablet and lost games

Well breaking my tablet the other day was a mixed blessing. I realised I did lose some documents. Nothing truly important or that cannot be recovered from another source. I just need to remember what I did actually lose. So, that is a pain in the butt.

Setting it up was far more time consuming than when I got the original one.There were several major system updates that in the end took me several hours, as I did not sit on top of the process. It had to be done because several apps would not work until it was updated. So, that is a relief that they now work. No, they were not games. They were "productivity" apps.

Speaking of games. I did lose all of my gains in them, as I do not sync them to anything, like Facebook, Google Play, or the like. I lost a bunch of solitaire games, no big whoop. I can load those up anytime and I only lost my FreeCell stats. I lost all my Flow Free games and the progress. Again no big deal, I like those games because they are problem solving somewhat and I have no issue with starting over. 

The four games that I lost the most on were: Dots, Two Dots, Dots & Co., and Charm King. I was actually all but done playing them. As, with the exception of the original Dots, those games became very jerky. Very hard to play and win without having to use way too many bonus items. Plus, losing bonus items to glitches. Losing Dots kind of blows because it was simple, but it took forever to build up bonus items as it is done with trading in points. The other three, I had had enough of them and was only playing them to kill time and build up bonus items, so who cares.

I did reload the suite of Flow Free games, including their latest one, so I now have all four. I may install Dots because it is fun to play sometimes. To be honest though, it took me five days, after the tablet went bupkis two days prior, before I set up the tablet and that was only to get back in touch with the Guardian Newspaper and the BBC. I have not played any games since the original tablet died. I only really want them there now for when I am stuck somewhere and have nothing to do or just do not want to read or do research or the like.

As a result of the old tablet crapping out and delaying setting up the new one, I have thrown myself in to reading even more and researching titbits online. We have even laid out the boy's costume for Halloween this year, thanks to some research on the interweb. Only short one item which I hope my buddy, John from Kars, as mentioned in the Rooster's inaugural post, may just well have. If not, I may have something that will do the trick if he does not though. Usually, we are scrambling until October 30th.

So, as you see, due my accident with the old tablet, it appears I may finally be liberated from my gaming addiction and moved on to my old passion of devouring books and other reading material. Seriously, no jonesing at all. Now where is my book?* blbbl

*[Note from author: As can be seen from the Rooster's author's last statement of this post, many who have addictions to nefarious and potentially nefarious items, such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and yes, even gaming, often replace that addiction with one intended to be less harmful. In the case of the Rooster's author, it appears to be reading. There are far worse choices that could have been made. Please provide him your best wishes and prayers so he can keep off the horse. The horse of gaming of course. Thank-you, the author. lbblb]

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