
search the rooster

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

there's a new sheriff in town

You heard that right.

The wife and I were on the back deck Monday night, chit-chatting. I was doing my usual perusing online on my phone. (Sometimes I use my tablet, but I dropped it and it died. I had one of those "replace it if you break it" warranties, and the new one has been sitting in the box for three days.) Then she got all mad at me and tore a strip off me for surfing while talking to her.

She also gave me crap for when the blog is not posted before she gets home from work. She demanded explanations as to why it is not always posted before she gets home and why I seem to need to surf while talking. Also, why I feel the need to sign up on free wifi networks when out and about town.

Well, me being me - an ass, I would not start to defend myself for such an issue. (Nor will I do so here.) The lecture went on for a bit. Then I pledged to stay offline while she was home and to have the rooster posted before she comes home. Failing that, I would take care of my interweb activities while she was sleeping.

I am pretty sure she will be mad about this post, but I cannot help that. I caught hell and I am just mentioning it for when my presence online may be mysteriously absent. I am not sure what I will do on weekends and holidays yet. It will be tough when I put a bunch of stuff up for sale on kijunkjunk.

I think I hear a car door. It might be her. Time to go. Post. blbbl

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