
search the rooster

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Woke up this morning to quite a bit of snow on the ground, on the trees, the roof, the road, the deck, the bird feeders. I was pretty surprised.

the view out the back door

It also made the squirrels quite bold. I guess it gave them a sense of desperation. The buggers, two of them, kept coming back. These are the latest addition to the Expanding Legion of Evil (ELoE). I think pretty much all the original charter members have moved on, been run over, or finally learnt to steer clear. Including their founder: Squirrel Vader.

These two jokers were pretty cheeky. They thought they were pretty ninja. Yet, dark bodies (melanistic grey squirrels) on white snow. So, I guess they had the dark garb of the stereotypical movie ninja, but they should have been dressed for arctic warfare.

not much better from this angle

To be fair, they were probably caught off guard as much as I was by the snow. Otherwise, they may have been much more stealthy. Lucky for me they were not. Now, I have seen snow much earlier than this, but just the amount and that it lasted all day. Especially, as it is supposed to get up to 9℃ (48℉) on Tuesday! It will most likely melt and then freeze. Hopefully, our hike-in camp next weekend with the Scout Troop does not get mucked up too badly.

Anyway, one of the knuckleheads (I am talking about the squirrels here, not the Scouts) gave up after a couple of hours, but he other went on until the late afternoon. I cut a deal with them all a long time ago, that if they stayed off the feeders and only scavenged on the ground, I would ignore them. I guess the last batch of knuckleheads forgot to pass on that little titbit to this batch of knuckleheads. Oh, like some many though.

Well, they (squirrels again) should slow down now that winter has started to flex its muscles. Alas, my potatoes are still in the ground. I suppose I could try to get them in the early spring (I think). I keep saying I got boned on trying to dig up the potatoes, but the wife is ever hopeful. She reminded me that it is supposed to warm up Tuesday and again a bit on Thursday. However, I would end up digging them up in the dark. I mean serious dark. She laughed and said we could get the boy to hold the lantern up while I dug up the taters.

Well, she made me laugh and brightened my day. Something good came out of the day. blbbl

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