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Sunday, December 24, 2017

christmas eve (day four in the hammer)

A bit of a rolling post.

Woke up early-ish this morning after a bit of a tumultuous sleep. I was screaming in my sleep around half past midnight. My buddy came down and woke me up. Last time that happened was about six months ago and a much longer time before that. When I was a kid, I used to do that all the time. Oh well, no sugarplums with machetes at least.

As an odd result, I was somewhat spry when I did wake up. I checked the weather this morning and texted the wife with the info. Then, I called the neighbours back at home. They are keeping an eye on our place and feeding the boy's reptile. It was eight o'clock in the morning. I woke them up. Ooops. They took it well and we exchanged Christmas greetings.....

Ran out for an errand with my friend and still managed to find another gift. There was one more item I would have liked to have gotten (that I only thought of this morning), but it is a pain to get. Oh well, I will get it after Christmas.

Everything wrapped. Everything prepped for dinner. Just waiting for the wife to come back from Guelph, she went to get her one sister after coming back from Caledonia. The truck is certainly seeing the sights this Christmas. Also, my buddy is visiting with his mum and will be back shortly.....

Just waiting on putting the roast in the oven, a stuffed pork loin, and getting everything else cooked.The wife is making one of her no-bake pies when she gets here too. I love those pies.

Time to twiddle thumbs for a bit....

The wife has arrived, but she cannot make her pie. Yet. We cannot locate a mixer, electric or otherwise. Waiting to hear back from buddy. At least we have a linzer torte we picked up in Westport that was special ordered.....

Well, no mixer. I guess torte and homemade cookies. Almost time for the roast to get cooking. A few other bits and bobs to sort and then, in it goes. Time for a cocktail.....

So, dinner cooked and went well...Except perhaps my kapusta dish, I was not totally happy with it. It was good, but not great. Not much in the way of leftovers from the meal. Which, in and of itself, is a good sign overall.

The wife and my friend started the dishes while the boy and I cleared the table. Buddy is just finishing the last and shortly dessert, sans pie :o(.....

Linzer torte and cookies, yum. Dessert and a digestive. What could be better? Oh yeah, my friend placed crackers at our place-settings. We all got papier-mȃché crowns, two gold, two silver. I got a tiny notebook as well. There were also a church key, mirror, and golf tees.....

Oooohhh, presents before dessert it looks like. Woo-hoo!...Score.....

An odd discussion of history and geography ensued. I think I need to buy some educational tomes for a particular boy and have a discussion with a particular school, if not school board. A bit of a Christmas surprise. Glad the boy is smart and can extrapolate, but what about the masses that cannot?.....

Anyway, I digress, watching White Christmas, a movie my mother somewhat enjoyed watching. I find that, though it was filmed in colour, it looks weird. Some of the colours are just too "vibrant". The colour almost looks painted on to me.

Okay, midnight mass coming on television at 11:30. Too weird for me. A half-hour early and on tv? Bizarre.....

Oh yeah, the snow was originally supposed to start at one-in-the-afternoon, then it was to start at around half-past-three. Well, it started about half-four. Still going, and supposed to through the morning.....

Well, time for bed. Up super early to get over to the mother-in-law's place and start making dinner and exchange gifts. I hope Santa remembers that we are in the Hammer for Christmas. blbbl

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