
search the rooster

Thursday, December 28, 2017

out of the hammer (the eighth day of christmas)

We hit the road at 9:30 this morning. Only about ninety minutes after our planned departure time. Pretty hard to get up super early after a tumultuous night and tough to move quickly in temperatures twenty below.

The roads were dry and traffic was really not that bad. However, it was really odd. We would get passed by someone who was going maybe as much as one kilometre an hour faster than us, then they would change lanes moving in front of us, then they would slow down to a speed below the one we were driving at.

A giant pain in the ass. I would ultimately have to pass them and hope they figured out how ridiculous the move they just did was and not repeat it. Most seemed to figure it out, but there were a few who repeated the bonehead move several more times. The wife and I were perplexed, but we got past it. Mostly by the fact that they would get themselves stuck in a mob of traffic. Serves them right for driving like dinks.

Paid through the nose for fuel on the highway at our halfway point. Tried to get coffee, but after twenty minutes of waiting, while switching off to go to the bathroom, we bailed and hit the road again.

Oh, I kinda wish we got coffee. The last hour was tough. Head shaking and smacking, barking, and making funny noises and talking gibberish. It was tough to stay awake. We made it though.

In the final stretch we were groaning a bit about what our laneway was going to look like. We figured we were going to have to climb over huge piles of snow to get to our door and clear it all out just to park in the drive, but.....

The neighbour across the way took pity on us in our absence. He snowblowed the drive and our neighbour around the corner, who had been looking after the boy's lizard and making sure no one stole our roof, cleared our walkway. Needless to say, we were pretty ecstatic. Plus, we owe some huge thank-yous.

Oh.....So, so tired. Big and busy day expected tomorrow. I have observations from this past week in the Hammer that I need to sort in my head and put together. Maybe it will come to me in a dream tonight? Who knows, I am due some not-so-sour dreams. blbbl

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