
search the rooster

Saturday, July 29, 2017

a golden calf?

So, a story told third hand.

The wife has a friend she helps out from time to time. He lives in a nearby town and has several acres and it is somewhat rural.

Well, she went over today and when she pulled in front of the house after driving down the treed lane, she heard a moo. This was a new sound at this house. Then she saw a calf, tied up.

It was scrawny and ugly and not too happy looking. She asked the friend's the wife as to what the skinny (sorry for the pun) was on this cow.

Well, their the boy went to a farmer to pick up some hay bales for some back field archery. He paid for them etc. Then the farmer asked if he wanted to buy a calf. Sure, why not. He dropped $150 on it and put it in the back of his truck and brought it home.

He then tied it up and left it at that. The next day the family: the friend, his the wife, their the boy, their the girl were heading out for some activity and as they drove down the lane there was this calf in the middle of the road blocking their egress. At this point, only the boy knew about this addition to the family.

The wife tells the girl to jump on Facebook and check whatever local community group they have and check to see if someone is missing a calf. Well. The boy says that will not be necessary. The other three look and him and ask: Why? Because it's mine. What? Yes, I bought the calf when I picked up the hay bales; I thought you'd like it mum. Okay?

Apparently, he, the boy not the cow, used to do odd things like this all the time when he was younger. He would bring gophers home and say he found them. In reality, he would dig in to their burrows, round them up, and bring them home. Alrighty!

So, they wrangle the calf back to the house and tie it up good this time. Now, enter my the wife. She asks what is he going to do with it? No idea. He is just keeping it for now. Apparently their chickens quite like Mister Moo and hang out with it. My theory is that they, the chickens, are trying to strike a deal with the calf. If it can get the keys to one of the vehicles and it is willing to steer, they, the chickens, will run the pedals and the GPS and take the sucker, the truck, all the way to Mexico, or maybe Wisconsin. You see, they do not have opposable thumbs and would be hard pressed to run a gas pump and use a debit machine.

However, ,as we all know, chickens is organised, so they would probably even manage to get to somewhere in South America. Maybe, they could stage a coup, or is it coop (ha ha) and take over Venezuela. blbbl

"them chickens is organised" (courtesy

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