
search the rooster

Sunday, July 23, 2017

lazy morning > lousy afternoon > great night

It is amazing how a day can change and how it can affect your mood or outlook.

We all had a lie-in this morning. The first real one in ages. We all relaxed in our own way. Me, I had a couple of coffees and played a few games and did some interweb searching. We were all pretty happy and relaxed.

After a late breakfast, I decided I should plant those potatoes I keep saying I will. The boy came out to give me a hand. Well, tilling was a bear. Lots of rocks in the way. Insane, very bitey mosquitoes the whole time too. Apparently I am a rock farmer, in addition to specialising in inedible weeds. After about an hour, we got them in the ground.

A little cranky, but my mood was not ruined. Then I looked out at the yard and realised I better get the mower out and cut down the jungle as it is supposed to rain overnight and the next day. If I wait, it will just get worse. For whatever reason, the grass has gotten very thick and very lush. The mower was trying to induce me to have a stroke or at least a mild heart attack. I was pretty grumpy and irritable when I finally got done. I really hate this lawnmower. I really, really, really do.

When I came back in to the house, the wife asked about prepping for dinner. I really was not looking forward to that question after the jungle wars I just went through. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am going to have a soda and a shower first. Well, when all that was done and I came in to the kitchen, she had done most of the prep. I only had to do a bit. It was broth fondue, the boy's favourite. The wife and I quite enjoy it too.

Dinner went smoothly, we were all satiated and content. The evening was looking up. There was discussion as to whether we might play cards or a campfire. After some back and forth, it was decided it would be cards. No mosquitoes, less work to get it going than a campfire. Oh, yeah. Did I mention, no mosquitoes?

Some rounds of Crazy Eights along with a spirited discussion on rule variations. Then some Rummy. I also had a Main Street Brewing № 7 that the wife brought back from Vancouver (a friend's favourite) and a slice of peanut butter chocolate pie à la mode with the wife's homemade vanilla-almond-cherry-chocolate chip ice cream.

the beer

the pie and ice cream

It truly is amazing how a day can change as it progresses and how a person can and does change with it. The morning was a take it or leave it attitude. By the afternoon I was cursing nature, technology and the world in general. Supper, I perked up. And by the time the cards came out, I was happy as a pig in a 1979 Euro-spec Ferrari 308 GTS custom painted British Racing Green (manufacturer paint code 611). blbbl

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