
search the rooster

Friday, July 21, 2017

read the instructions

So, I will be keeping my posts a bit short for the next little while due to my never-ending tasks, chores, obligations.

So, today I was testing my Coleman stoves for an upcoming canoe camp with the Scout Troop.

All three would not maintain a proper flame, two were leaking, and one just burned orange without gaining a blue flame.

I tweaked, futzed, begged, and generally was frustrated. I learnt all three would not build pressure in the fuel tank; no matter how much I pumped them up.

As all three were acquired used, they did not come with manuals. Actually, not true, one had its manual, but I only discovered it afterwards.

I went online and got the instructions for the stoves. As far as I could tell, I was doing everything right. So, I started troubleshooting, online. The plungers were reoiled; nothing.

More futzing, begging, frustration. Then back online as I determined it had to be the plungers. They did not turn as much as they should according to the instructions. They also did not lock in place when done pumping.

Coleman's help pages are actually very helpful. As per their instructions, I pushed the plungers all the way in and then turned them counter-clockwise until they gave and turned a full turn.

Well, what do you know. They turned properly now. They pumped and built pressure. They locked when done.

Now, the acid test. I lit each one in turn. Lo and behold! They did not leak. They lit and after half a minute to a minute they developed the blue lame that one desires. I let them run for a while and no hiccoughs.


So, no matter how much you think you know and do not think instructions and such can impart any wisdom to rectify problems, read them and seek advice troubleshooting. There is much expert advice online; if you know how to look. 

If I had not read the instructions and did proper troubleshooting, I would have taken all three stoves in for "repair" and most likely wasted money and time. More time than I spent working through the problem.

They make manuals and FAQs for a reason. Use them. I do. blbbl

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