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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

blogger app reviews - wow!

After my troubles with the Google Blogger app, I went in to the Google Play Store and took a look at the reviews.

Sometimes, there are tips and tricks in the reviews to get the most out of an app. There was one about attaching photos, but it is hit and miss.

So, the reviews were overwhelmingly negative. Like really bad. Most of it has to do with the same problems I am having: attaching a picture and having the app crap out and not save the post. Many other complaints deal with editing options; such as not being able to choose fonts and what can be done with fonts, inserting links, what little formatting that is available disappearing when re-editing the post from the web portal on a pc. All problems I myself have had.

Some reviews recommend other blogging apps and also praised Wordpress.

As to Wordpress? I have set up a parallel site with the same name. This was done some time ago. I originally planned, even before my first post, to clone all the posts and put them up in a Wordpress blog as a mirror of this site. That way, the blog would be able to be viewed from another portal and people could choose whichever layout they preferred.

Before I clone everything, I am going through every post and fixing any errors, typos, formatting irregularities and the like. Google Blogger is not making it easy to do this. I realised at some point I was not using the font I desired, but it is very problematic to change it to the font I want. Links have to be done separately from the regular text. The regular text needs to be done without any links in it. Also, sometimes, it will not change the font, even though it appears to have done so. When this occurs, I need to copy the text and paste it in to Notepad, recopy it there, and re-paste it back over the original text.

I have only managed to correct about a dozen posts to my liking. I will be copying them over the next month or two as I correct them in batches. Hopefully, before the boy and I go to Canada Jamboree 2017 (aka CJ17). After, the cloning, I will post to both sites simultaneously.

The other reason I want to clone the site? I have found references online from other bloggers who have said that Google has shut their blogs down without notice and removed, or hidden, all content, making it unavailable for viewing or recovery. I honestly do not know if this is true, but a backup is always a good idea.

Yet another reason to clone? Sometimes, Google Blogger just will not let me do what I want. This way, I can create my post in either platform and clone it in either direction. Also, on initial examination, the Wordpress app appears to be more dynamic and accommodating. If this is so, it will be easier and better for me to use while at CJ17. 

I like the idea of having more than one way to get my posts up. I will definitely have to experiment with the cloning process. One way may be easier than the other way. It may not even work in one of the directions without difficulty. I definitely need to get on it sooner than later. The boy and I leave in early July for CJ17 and will be gone possibly for as long as two weeks (maybe even longer) doing other events and activities too.

So, stand by for multiple options for your reading pleasure. The easier it is for you, the rooster's readership, to access the blog, the better it is for everyone. blbbl

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