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Sunday, October 08, 2017

bell sympatico has boned me again

Yes, what a shock! ;o)

Well, I never really expect much from Bell and its various services: landline phone, Sympatico internet, Mobiltiy (aka cell phone service). I have never had their television service and have no intention ever to have it.

Bell Canada's quality of service is often left wanting. Their billing and customer service in particular blow huge. Although, I have had excellent individuals from time to time, I have also had terrible people on the other end of the phone - some outright liars.

This time, it is my internet with Bell Sympatico.

I am still renting my non-wifi modem now for well over a decade-and-a-half. Yup, I have paid for it many times over. They have never offered a replacement or upgrade. Jackasses. A friend of mine gave me a wifi modem-router. I have been using it for some time. However, the antenna broke off recently and the wifi is absolute crap now.

Now, I finally called Bell about replacing the crappy modem that I had not used in years. I called them on Thursday 28 September 2017. They said a technician would drop off my replacement wifi modem-router within three days. That placed it as Tuesday 03 October 2017. Well, it did not arrive. I called on Friday 06 October 2017 and spoke with another support technician. They said the modem was mailed.

Really, the guy said that it was not given to a tech to drop off but mailed. Okay. Well, I still had not gotten it. On hold, questions, on hold. Okay, they are sending another wifi modem-router. Two days expedited. That means not before Wednesday 11 October 2017 due to the holiday.

So, that they are telling me they are sending another modem. Baloney! The first one must not have actually been sent. Super rare for Bell to send a replacement piece of equipment when the original is in la-la land somewhere.

I will be amazed if I see it even before the end of next week. Oh yeah, I have to keep paying rent on the obsolete modem until I physically return it and Bell receives it. They are supposed to include a "return kit" with the new wifi modem-router. Yeah, well, I will deal with that once I get my new wifi modem-router.

I am pissed though, and I told them that. I am using my data package on my mobile phone at home because I cannot get wifi. I cannot get wifi on my tablet, so I cannot check my newsfeeds properly; I just do not like going through the news on my computer, I prefer the tablet. Anyway, they said if I go over my data package allotment they will not bill me. Really? I would be surprised if that happened without my bitching about. We will see.

Honestly, their staff are actually getting better with their interactions with their customers. However, as soon as something is cocked up, it is a disaster. Just like my having to now wait for a replacement modem for two weeks. The guy on the phone said that two days expedited was the best he could do. Actually, the best that could have been done was to have someone grab a new replacement wifi modem-router, jump in a vehicle, and bring it to me at home immediately. Then I would have been satisfied, impressed, and happy. blbbl

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