
search the rooster

Monday, October 23, 2017

google sometimes just does not get it - google drive and file transfers - ha!

So, after being caught up in several day consuming email chains, I decided to do something I intended to do some time ago.

I uploaded the vast majority of Scouting resources that I have on my computer. To the wrong profile. I now have a profile and accompanying email address that I just use for Scouting. All the resources were uploaded, somehow to the incorrect profile.

I think: no problem, I will just copy them over. Nope. Google does not allow that. You can share across profiles, but not copy. At least no way I can figure out.

Well, I did find a not so difficult way. I can download it all as a zip file from the one profile then upload it to the profile I want it in. Okay, not so bad. They even provide an online unzip app to facilitate the whole thing too. Not too shabby.

However! Some files now open oddly using Google resources. Not a fan of that, but I can live with it.

However! Even though I checked for the correct profile to upload, and I did select it, it opened another browser window for the other profile and defaulted to that one. I did not realise that. Not a big deal you say. Well, I added a massive amount of additional files, to what I thought was my Scouting profile. Nope, it was all added to the profile that I did not want any of the data sent to in the first place. It was a giant bitch pain in the ass to do all this. So, all the newly added files are in the wrong place.

However! I have options, I can comb through my computer manually and do it all again and hopefully drop it in the correct profile and not miss any files. Or, I can just do what I did the first time to move the files and have take several hours to have it all copy to the correct profile, hopefully.

I think I will take the hours long zip-download-upload-unzip process and have a bunch of files tagged to work with Google programs.

However! I still need to wait for it to finish uploading all the additional files I have already sent up to the wrong profile.

Honestly, I used to be a huge Google cheerleader, but it gets harder every day. All the Blogger resources are somewhat wanting. Getting support from Google is nearly impossible. You do learn to comb through their own and others resources on how to fix Google-Universe problems and how to ask the right question in the first place, which in and of itself is a difficult talent to learn.

In the future, I think for any documents that require no further editing the best thing to do is to convert to pdf. It appears Google does not reformat that file type unlike doc, rtf, txt, xls, and the like. At least I appear to have learnt something new! Plus, pdf files extract much faster, even when they are the same size as a doc or rtf.

Well, anyway, I will let it finish uploading to the incorrect profile, then rezip the whole lot, then download, then upload to hopefully the correct profile, then unzip. Then I hope that is the end of that for a while.

Wow! I started this at 6:00 PM my time. By 10:15 PM, the upload has crapped out twice. Google is disappointing me very, very much right now. They really need to get their act together. For the resources and wealth they have, there really is no excuse.

Well, maybe three time's the charm???

Something really interesting. When it showed it was going to upload to the same folder, I thought great. It will ask me if I want to overwrite existing files and I would choose no. That way, it would only upload the files that failed. Nope. It created the folder again. With the exact same name. I have never seen software do that. Create two identically named folders under the same master folder. So, it started uploading every file again!

Okay. Three absolute failures. What. A. Bunch. Of. Assclowns! Six hours now. I know how to use technology, particularly of the computer and interweb kind. Sure, there are things I am not very good at, like manipulating Youtube stuff, but more because I have not really bothered yet. I will try to do it piecemeal now. I have a feeling this may just take me days to do. I have a pretty full week after today. Oh joy! blbbl

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