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Thursday, October 26, 2017

epi-pen heaven


I went and saw the allergist today. I was lucky to get an appointment so quickly too.

She was very thorough. And she was a bit surprised about my reactions. She was also very frank with me.

She does not think I am in any grave danger. I am in the 5% range for having anaphylaxis. Simply put, an allergic reaction that can ultimately lead to death.

Most people are under 3%, often 0.3%.

However! The next range for me is the 40% range. Still not super serious apparently.

The next range is 60%. That is when it gets serious.

Anyway, she offered to run the tests. At a later date, because the test kits are backlogged due to some factory problems.

She also offered immunotherapy. Basically, injecting doses of venom to desensitise me.

Both can be quite uncomfortable and painful.

We both decided after our indepth and detailed discussion, that neither were necessary. I can contact her directly at any time if my situation changes to review our options.

The best part though? She gave me a killer prescription. Seventy-two epi-pens, a half a gross! (Not all at once of course.) She had no problems, no issues, no worries. She also said that, if I use up the prescription, she will refill it. Or that my doctor should now have no problem refilling it.

The great thing for me? In time, I can now have an epi-pen or two in my various go-bags, my Scout bags, my camping pack (that I am now going to build so I can save time when a Scout camp or other camping trip comes up), my first aid kits. Well, just about anywhere that it would actually be handy if they need to be used.

She had an open minded and refreshing attitude. She was "up" on what her discipline is doing and understood my concerns and alleviated many of my worries.

She did also tell me that I need to get rid of the wasp nests that are on the property. She was surprised when I told her I have not been able to get anyone, that I have wanted to use, to get back to me. Her answer, which is pretty obvious in the end now, start at the top of the list and work my way down until someone will come out.

So, tomorrow, I will start calling around. I do need to get in to my shed to get the snow blower out and a bunch of summer stuff in. The last thing I want is to get multiple stings during the season changeover. Plus, I would use up my epi-pens and may just prematurely launch myself in to the next percentile. We cannot have that. That would definitely suck. blbbl

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